
TITLE - The General Election Commission (KPU) has announced 40 Political Parties (Parpol) that have registered themselves as contestants for the 2024 General Election. Of that number, only 24 Political Parties have entered the administrative verification stage, 17 of which are political parties that fill the current parliament. and 7 others are new political parties.

Later, said KPU Commissioner Idham Holik, even though they passed the administrative verification, the seven parties would be factually verified before being declared as participants in the 2024 General Election.

"We will announce the results of the administrative verification on September 14, in accordance with KPU Regulation Number 4 of 2022," he said

The seven political parties are the People's Party of Justice and Prosperity (Prima), the Labor Party, the Republican Party, the Ummat Party, the Republic of Indonesia Party, the Indonesian People's Swara Party (Parsindo), and the Republican Party One.

Prosperous People's Party (Prima)

Officially established on July 20, 2020. It is Agus Jabo Priyono, the former Chairman of the People's Democratic Party for the 2015-2020 period who became the Chairman of the Prima Party.

The Prima Party, launched from its official website, was initiated by the People's Democratic Party (PRD) together with a number of social movements, labor unions, Islamic activists/leaders, small and medium businesses, professionals, women's activists, and young people.

Declaring itself as the party of the people. Unlike other parties in general, Prima was not born by a big figure. Prima was born from below, from the hands of ordinary people.

The Prima Party stated that it would strive to create a just and prosperous society, by presenting welfare politics and would become a party with a populist character.

"Prima, the party of ordinary people, was born in the midst of the violent vortex of the nation's life," said Agus Jabo at the declaration ceremony at the Usmar Ismail Film Center, Jakarta, June 1, 2021, quoted from Antara.

The chairman of the Prima Party Advisory Council is the former Main Secretary (Sestama) of the National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT), Major General (Ret.) R. Gautama Wiranegara.

Chairman of the Prosperous Fair People's Party (Prima) Agus Jabo Priyono reads his political speech during the Prima Party declaration at the Usmar Ismail Film Building, Jakarta, Tuesday (1/6/2021). (Antara/Genta Tenri Mawangi)
Labor Party

The Labor Party was built and re-established by its founders from the 4 largest trade union confederations and 50 national-level trade union federations, teacher forums and temporary workers, and the largest farmer and fisherman organization in Indonesia.

Declared on November 5, 2021. As the name implies, the constituents of this party are workers from various sectors. From those who work in companies to fishermen, farmers, domestic workers, public transportation drivers, pedicab drivers, vegetable traders, and street vendors.

As well as, MSME actors, multilevel marketing actors, rural poor communities, urban poor communities, young job seekers, students and students who will enter the world of work, band children, artists, sportsmen, and intellectuals and scholars who want to make this happen. the principle of the welfare state.

The President of the Labor Party is Said Iqbal who also serves as President of the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI).

“The Labor Party is ready to participate in the legislative elections. We are optimistic that the Labor Party can pass the parliamentary threshold. This means that the labor party will have representatives in the DPR RI, DPRD at the provincial level and DPRD at the city district level," Said Iqbal told reporters some time ago.

Republican Party

Launching Wikipedia, the Republican Party has been formed since May 21, 1998 and was a contestant in the 1999 General Election. The only votes obtained were the DPRD level in North Sumatra Province. Along the way, the Republican Party had experienced a vacuum because a number of party officials in 2004 actually formed the Democratic Party.

Then, in the 2011 election, party members unanimously appointed Marwah Daud Ibrahim as general chairman. The Republican Party registered itself as a participant in the 2014 General Election.

The Republican Party had management in 33 provinces and 421 regencies/cities at that time. Although declared to have passed the administrative verification, the Republican Party did not pass the factual verification by the KPU so it did not meet the requirements.

Feeling that the KPU's decision was considered full of fabrication and manipulation, the Republican Party filed a lawsuit up to the State Administrative High Court to prove the manipulation, and was again rejected. Finally, the Republican Party took the case to the Honorary Council for Election Organizers (DKPP). The KPU was found guilty of alleged manipulation during the factual verification process. Even though the KPU is guilty, the DKPP decision cannot cancel the KPU Decree (SK), so the Republican Party cannot participate in the 2014 election.

Likewise in the 2019 Election. However, currently the Secretary General of the Republican Party, Heru Bahtiar Arifin, is optimistic that his party can become a contestant in the 2024 Election.

"We are experienced enough. In sha Allah we will have no problems. So, we have entered everything. Yesterday (2019 Election) was less thorough, so now we are even more careful in filling out the administrative requirements. Our target is 5 percent of the seats in the DPR RI, the same is true for the regional level," he said at the KPU office, Friday (12/8).

Labor Party President Said Iqbal when met during a demonstration in front of the KPU building, Central Jakarta, May 1, 2022. (Antara/Walda)
Ummah Party

Established on April 24, 2021 in Yogyakarta and only declared nationally on April 29, 2021.

As reported from its official website, the Ummat Party's vision is to realize Indonesia as a country of Baldatun Tayyibatun Wa Rabbun Ghafur by upholding divine values, ukhuwah (Ummah Brotherhood), hurriyah (Freedom), musawah (Equality), and 'Adaalah (Justice) in a forum. The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

The Chairman of the Consultative Council is Amien Rais and the General Chairman of the Central Management Board is Dr. Ing. H. Ridho Rahmadi, S. Kom.

"We are fighting with the ummah to make Indonesia continue to fight against injustice and provide a new road map to create a history of change to continue and bring Indonesia to uphold justice," wrote Amien Rais at

Indonesian Republican Party

Ramses David Simanjuntak is the general chairman of the party. Ramses is optimistic, even though it seems impossible, his party can win 30 percent of the vote if it participates in the 2024 election.

"The target for each party must be the biggest one. You have to be sure that the record will be broken. It is said that these are crazy ideas. But a nation must have children with crazy ideas. If there is nothing like that, what is expected for the nation in the future," he said Ramses told reporters at the KPU RI office, Jakarta, Monday (8/8).

The Republic of Indonesia Party has a vision of prosperity and its mission is dignity.

“Welfare clearly doesn't need to be elaborated anymore. That every nation and country needs prosperity. Dignity is clear, if the nation wants to be great, the nation must have dignity. Humans or nations if they are not dignified, they will be colonized, both mentally and physically," he said.

Indonesian People's Swara Party (Parsindo)

The Indonesian People's Swara Party is not a new party. It has been established since November 15, 2013. This party had registered for the 2019 Indonesian Legislative General Election, but did not pass the verification of the Bawaslu decision.

"Parsindo hopes to be an alternative when other parties are less in favor of the people's interests," said Parsindo Chairman Jusuf Rizal, Friday (12/8).

The target of the party's vote is the loyalists of the 2nd President of the Republic of Indonesia, Suharto. As the father of development, Suharto must be a figure.

"Parsindo will be with the people to uphold justice and fight for the interests of the people for their welfare," said Jusuf Rizal.

Chairman of the Republic One Party, Hasnaeni Moein. ( Dirga Cahya)
Republican Party One

The General Chair of the Republic One Party is Hasnaeni Moein, a woman who is often referred to as the Golden Woman. He registered his party at the KPU office on the last day of registration, Sunday (14/8) night.

“The team has been working hard day and night to complete the required documents. Quite tired, it feels like building a temple, a thousand temples in one night," Hasnaeni told reporters after registering his party at the KPU office.

Currently, Republican Party One already has party management in 34 provinces. "We certainly want to give the best for the nation's children. Among other things, by providing many job opportunities for Indonesia and for cadres," he added.

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