
JAKARTA - Three Brimob tactical vehicles were parked in front of the Police Criminal Investigation Unit building on Trunojoyo Street, Kabayoran Baru, South Jakarta on Saturday (6/8) around 12.00 WIB. Dozens of Brimob personnel armed with long barrels and wearing full costume helmets while carrying black backpacks entered the building. They came to pick up Inspector General Ferdy Sambo.

The media crew on duty there wondered, the estimate immediately led to the investigation case of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo. Moreover, two days earlier, Bareskrim summoned Ferdy for questioning regarding the case of the death of Brigadier Nofriansyah Yoshua Hutabarat (Brigadir J) at his official residence, Durentiga, South Jakarta.

On the same day, the National Police Chief removed Inspector General Ferdy Sambo as the Head of the National Police Propam Division. Also, ordered a special team to examine 25 personnel who were suspected of being unprofessional during the investigation into the death of Brigadier J.

Apparently, dozens of Brimob personnel came on orders from the Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit, Komjen Agus Andrianto, for security purposes.

"The presence of Brimob personnel to secure the Criminal Investigation Unit. It is at the official request of the Criminal Investigation Unit," said the National Police's Criminal Investigation Department Director, Brigadier General Andi Rian, Saturday (6/8).

Demonstration in front of the North Sumatra Police Headquarters in Medan demanding that the case of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo be completed. (VOI/Satria H)

Then, in the afternoon, several sources said that Brimob personnel who had arrived since noon then took Inspector General Ferdy Sambo to the Mobile Brigade Command Headquarters, Kelapa Dua, Depok.

The Head of the Public Relations Division of the Police, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, immediately held a press conference that evening. Dedi claimed that Inspector General Ferdy Sambo was included in the list of 25 Polri personnel who were suspected of being unprofessional during the investigation into the death of Brigadier J.

Temporary suspicion, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo violated the procedures for handling the scene of the death of Brigadier J at his official residence.

"Today, Irsus carried out an examination of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo and in the afternoon he was immediately taken to the Mobile Brigade Corps to be placed in a special placement for examination," he said.

The handling of the case of Brigadier J's death was carried out by 2 teams: a special team that worked pro justicialy to uncover criminal events and the Special Inspectorate (Irsus) who worked to uncover violations of the code of ethics.

As a result, the special placement for Inspector General Ferdy Sambo was not in the context of arresting and naming suspects, but only a violation of the code of ethics related to the handling of crime scenes. "Because the process was carried out by Irsus, not Timsus," he said.

Assessment Objectivity

Police observer from the Institute for Security and Strategic Studies (ISESS) Bambang Rukminto did not deny that there was indeed an impression of coercion related to the transfer of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo from the Police Criminal Investigation Unit to the Mobile Brigade Headquarters. This is because before that a number of fully armed Brimob personnel came as if to pick up Inspector General Ferdy Sambo.

However, Bambang is more objective. Naturally, the Bareskrim had to ask for security assistance from the Brimob Mako because the case involved a high-ranking officer who certainly had subordinates who were also loyal to him.

Mako Brimob may be considered more representative for security than Bareskrim.

“At the Bareskrim Detention Center there is suspect E, which means that it is very risky if Ferdy Sambo is also detained at the Criminal Investigation Department because the information we have received from Bharada E provides very important information regarding the possible involvement of Ferdy Sambo. If they are not separated, the investigators feel that they could threaten the safety of Bharada E and interfere with the investigation," he told VOI, Monday (8/8).

On the other hand, the presence of Brimob can be an important point to maintain the authority and integrity of the Police in the eyes of the public. Shows that not all units in the police agree with the chronological engineering efforts carried out at the beginning of the case.

Mobile Brigade Command Headquarters in Kelapa Dua, Depok after a clash between detainees and officers on May 9 2018. (Antara/Akbar Nugroho Gumay)

Look at the explanations of the South Jakarta Metro Police, Karopenmas, Kompolnas which are very strange. This means that it is clear that efforts to prevent this investigation were carried out not by individuals but by groups within the police force.

"If you look at the shooting case itself, it is actually simple, it can be revealed quickly, because there was an attempt to manipulate it that was carried out by groups within the police, so it was protracted and it was difficult to rebuild trust in the police," continued Bambang.

However, the public also does not need to be apathetic towards the police because it turns out that with the presence of Brimob, then the Kapolri's assertiveness in making mutations, the detention of several police officers indicates that not all police are corrupt. There are other units that can be trusted.

"This is a good hope for the community towards the police. That should be encouraged by the National Police Chief to immediately resolve it and take action against the members involved in this case,” said Bambang.

So far, Bambang has also not been able to confirm whether the decision by the Chief of Police to appoint Wakabareskrim Inspector General Syahardiantono as the Head of the Propam Police Division is appropriate or not.

"Let time prove it. The new Head of the Propam Division can be more assertive or just a tool to cover up irregularities,” he said.

“The same goes for the formation of the Timsus and Irsus. Most importantly for us, this process is carried out in a transparent, professional and accountable manner. If everything then doesn't work out and becomes a justification for the irregularities, yes, that's the same thing,” Bambang added.

Visited by Wife

On Sunday (7/8), Putri Candrawathi, wife of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo and their daughter together with a lawyer visited the former Head of the Propam Division at the Mobile Brigade Command Headquarters. This is the first time Putri has appeared before the media crew since Brigadier J's death at his official residence on July 8.

In fact, you could say that Putri was also a victim in the alleged harassment attempt by Brigadier J to her.

In front of the media crew, Putri did not give many comments related to the case involving her.

“I am Putri with children, I trust and sincerely love my husband. I ask for prayers, so that our family can go through this difficult time. And I sincerely forgive all the actions that we and our family have experienced," said Putri while crying.

According to Micro Expression Expert Kirdi Putra, Putri Candrawati's expression when delivering the statement did look shocked and sad. However, what he said was still not specific. It's just a wife's expression to her husband who is in a disaster. Not related to the case that occurred at her husband's official residence.

Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's wife, Putri Candrawathi (right) and her daughter during a visit to the Mobile Brigade Headquarters, Kelapa Dua, Depok on Sunday 7 August 2022. (Screenshot Between Video/Fachmy Febrian)

“Spoken words float. What causes someone to convey something floating? Usually because of covering something or experiencing trauma. It could be that his trauma is what prevents him from being able to communicate, to be able to express himself. The markers of people who cover something, who are traumatized or stressed are the same thing," said Kirdi to VOI, Monday (8/8).

“However, we don't know what trauma it is. Is it because of the harassment case? Because of Brigadier J's death? Because of her husband? Because netizens blaspheme? Or for what not yet know. This must be deepened to a psychologist,” continued Kirdi.

Until now, the process of uncovering the case of Brigadier J's death is still ongoing. Police have named two suspects. The first is Bharada E and the second is Brigadier RR who is also an aide to Ferdy Sambo's wife, Putri Candrawati.

"RR is being charged with Article 340, subsidiary to Article 338 in conjunction with Article 55 and Article 56 of the Criminal Code," said Andi Rian, Director of General Crimes (Dirtipidum) of the National Police Criminal Investigation Department.

Article 340 of the Criminal Code, "Whoever deliberately and with a premeditated plan to take another person's life, is threatened with premeditated murder, with a death penalty or imprisonment for life or for a certain period of time, a maximum of twenty years." the parties and the public to continue to be patient and not give assumptions, perceptions, confusion about the events in my house," said Inspector General Ferdy Sambo on Thursday, August 4.

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