
JAKARTA - "I am here to fulfill the summons of the Criminal Investigation Police investigator. Today's examination is the fourth examination. I have given information to the investigators of the South Jakarta Police, Polda Metro Jaya, now the fourth one is in the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police.

Furthermore, I also basically apologize to the institution regarding the events that occurred at my official residence in Duren Tiga.

Then secondly, I, as God's creation, apologized to the Polri institution. Likewise, I express my condolences for the death of Brigadier Joshua. May the family be given strength. But all that despite what Joshua had done to my wife and family.

Furthermore, I hope that all parties and the community will continue to be patient and not give assumptions, perceptions, confusion about the events in my house.

I ask for prayers so that my wife will recover from the trauma and my children will also be able to get through this condition and thank you.”

Inspector General Ferdy Sambo and the late Brigadier J. (Special)

For almost a month of silence, the ex-Kadiv Propam Polri Inspector General Ferdy Sambo finally spoke up. Provided direct information to the media crew regarding the death of Brigadier Nofriansyah Yoshua Hutabarat (Brigadir J) at his official residence, Duren Tiga, South Jakarta on July 8.

Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's statement was delivered when he was summoned by the Criminal Investigation Police investigators, Thursday (4/8).

Micro Expression expert, Kirdi Putra assessed that Inspector General Ferdy Sambo was in a tense condition when delivering his statement in front of the media crew. It can be heard from the intonation of his voice and can be seen from the condition of his face.

"It's not emotion, anger, or fear, he's actually tensed," Kirdi said when contacted by VOI, Saturday (6/8).

Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's statement was also delivered spontaneously, not conceptualized. In the end it made the impression that he had no regrets over the incident at his home on July 8 that led to the death of his aide, Brigadier J.

“His style of speech remains dominant like the previous Ferdy Sambo. However, at this time it tends to be irregular and not well organized. There are psychological aspects that make him tense. Or maybe he's still angry, but if he's afraid he's not. So, it gives the impression that he doesn't regret what happened," said Kirdi.

Logically, when people are really sad and apologize, the intonation must be different even though they are usually fierce, firm, or straightforward. However, this is just an opinion, its validity is only 50 percent because when giving a statement, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo uses a mask.

"The only thing that can be seen is the upper face. The eyebrows are slightly down in the middle, the eyes are not too focused on one point. These, some of the tense traits. While the lips are not visible. So, it cannot be confirmed whether it is true or not,” said Kirdi.

Change Head of Propam

On the same day. The National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, has removed the post of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo as the inactive Head of the Propam Division. Appointed Inspector General Syahardiantono who previously served as Deputy Chief of Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police to become the Head of the Propam Police Division. Ferdy Sambo was transferred as Pati Yanma Polri. This is stated in the TR numbered ST:1628/VIII/KEP/2022. The telegram was signed by the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo on August 4, 2022.

Not only that, the National Police Chief also ordered a special team to examine 25 of its members who were suspected of being unprofessional during the investigation into Brigadier J's death. Three of them were high-ranking one-star officers, 5 members with the rank of Kombes, 3 members with the rank of AKBP, and 2 members with the rank of Kompol.

The National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, has removed the post of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo as the inactive Head of the Propam Division. (Between)

“The rest are from the Propam and Polres units, as well as some personnel from the Polda and Bareskrim. Of course, we want all processes to run well," said General Listyo Sigit to the media crew, Thursday (4/8).

They are suspected of obstructing the investigation, attempts to damage and eliminate evidence in the form of CCTV footage.

There's already a suspect

The previous day, Wednesday (3/8), the National Police Headquarters officially named Bharada E as a suspect in the death of Brigadier J.

Previously, Karopenmas said that Brigadier E was only defending himself, but from the results of examination after examination, the Dirtipidum of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police Brigadier General Andi Rian stated that Bharada E was not defending himself during the shooting incident with Brigadier J.

"Investigators have conducted a case title and we have considered the examination of witnesses sufficient to determine Bharada E as a suspect," Andi said as quoted from, Wednesday (3/8/2022).

However, Bharada E's lawyer, Andreas Nahot Silitonga, questioned the investigator's basis which stated that there was no element of self-defense. "In fact, in the Minutes of Investigation (BAP) it has been explained what Bharada E did, only returned fire from Brigadier J."

Previously, Kamarudin Simanjuntak, a lawyer for Brigadier J's family, had stated that Brigadier J might have been shot from behind. Because, from the autopsy results of the two bodies of Brigadier J, there was a gunshot wound in the form of a hole from the back of the head until it penetrated to the nose.

Bharada E became a suspect in the case of Brigadier J's death. From the results of the examination, the police denied the self-defense attempt that had been disclosed by Bharada E. (Antara)

“If it's a shootout, it means face-to-face. If from above the bullet should have entered from the nose through the back and it should not be flat, it should be tilted if it is from above. It could be, he was shot from behind, he turned his back on the perpetrator," he said.

If that's true, Andreas confirms that the culprit is not Bharada E.

"According to BAP, if it was shot from behind, it means that our client was not the culprit," he added.

Until now, the process of uncovering the case of Brigadier J's death is still ongoing. As stated by Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, "I hope for all parties and the community to continue to be patient and not give assumptions, perceptions, confusion about the events in my house."

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