
JAKARTA - The headquarters of the Medan Police Headquarters, North Sumatra was attacked by terror bombers this morning. One person carrying the bomb was killed in the attack. Meanwhile, six people who were at the scene were injured. The victims are being treated at the Bhayangkara Medan Hospital (RS).

This action was considered by the Chairman of the DPR, Puan Maharani, as the failure of the deradicalization program. "We must evaluate this deradicalization. This has entered into individuals," said Puan at the DPR Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, November 13, 2019.

This PDI-P politician asked the BNPT, the police, and the TNI to fix this by improving the security system and the role of law enforcement officials. In addition, he also asked the public to increase vigilance to prevent terror like this from happening again.

Puan also asked for this case to be thoroughly investigated and anticipation and mitigation in the future because the perpetrator wore an online motorcycle taxi uniform. "Everyone, now people are doing it (using online motorcycle taxis). So we think it's normal for someone to deliver goods or send goods, but it turns out that they have certain dangerous goals," he said.

Minister of Religion Fachrul Razi said the deradicalization program was still being carried out intensively. He didn't want to say this was effective or worth evaluating. Because, for Fachrul it was relative depending on his point of view.

"What is clear is that these efforts were carried out intensively. Everyone is aware that (radicalism) is very dangerous," said Fachrul on the sidelines of the Forkopimda Rakornas activities at SICC, Bogor.

He added, in this digital era 4.0, social media has many impacts on its users, including providing exposure to radicalism. Therefore, he said, the government leaves it up to the public to wisely choose the social media they like.

"Medsos provides many choices and people just have to choose," he said.

Meanwhile, to prevent radicalism in the realm of the state civil apparatus, Fachrul made a rule prohibiting the use of the veil and wearing pants. This regulation will be agreed upon by 8 ministers.

"For ASN, we will issue a joint decision with 8 ministers which will be seen later. All 8 ministers together," he said.

Illustration (Ilham Amin / VOI)

Meanwhile, at the same place, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD asked all parties to mature and not blame the government for responding to terror incidents like this.

"To the public, don't always sneer, if the government acts then it is said to violate human rights, if it doesn't act it will be considered a mistake, we are both mature to protect this country," said Mahfud.

This is because, he said, the government is making optimal efforts to prevent terrorist bombs and other radical acts in the country. "If you don't try your best, there could be more (victims and incidents). Therefore, do not always corner the apparatus if they take action, just control it proportionally, whether it is true or not," he said.

In terms of data, Mahfud said, the number of terror incidents in 2019 had decreased compared to 2017 and 2018. "From a quantitative point of view it has decreased, because prevention is better, that there are still one or two that cannot be avoided," he said.

Mahfud was again asked about this when he came to the DPR in the afternoon. He went to the DPR for a meeting with the Legislative Body.

At the DPR Mahfud said the deradicalization program was quite good. He still said that quantitatively, the anticipation of deradicalization would improve for 2019. However, he did not provide comprehensive data.

"The level of anticipation is okay. But now there is an expansion of the subject," he said, adding that the expansion of the subject in question was that in the past the perpetrators of terror were adult men, now it extends to women and children.

"But the quality has decreased. It means that the level of anticipation from security and intelligence is sufficient. Yes, it needs to be increased," he said.

What is certain, emphasized Mahfud, is that physical deradicalization efforts are under the authority of the Police, while mental ones are the domain of the Indonesian Ulema Council. Meanwhile, other ministries have their own ways of dealing with this deradicalization.

"I think the Police also often deradicalize it through upgrades, visits to Islamic boarding schools, MUI as well, the Ministry of Religion should also, Kemendikbud too, everything is deradicalization," he said.

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