
JAKARTA - The collapsed houses of residents in the Matraman area, East Jakarta are suspected to have been the impact of the drainage repair protection currently being carried out by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government. It didn't take long, this incident reached the ears of DPRD members.

The family of the house owner complained about his fate to a member of Commission D DPRD DKI Judistira Hermawan one day after the incident. To the members of the Commission in the field of development, the family asked for assistance regarding the clarity of their residence so that it could be repaired.

"Yesterday morning I was contacted by Arda (the family of the owner of the collapsed house. He said their family's house collapsed while working on the water channel by a contractor assigned to the East Jakarta Water Resources Sub-Department," said Judistira when contacted on Sunday, December 16 evening.

After receiving the report from the victim's family, Judistira Judistira immediately contacted the East Jakarta Water Resources Service (SDA) to ask her to take responsibility for the problem.

"Alhamdulillah, it can be handled and it is agreed to be repaired by the contractor," he said.

Even though the water pipeline project collapsed two residents' houses, Judistira would not summon the East Jakarta SDA Sub-dept. Or the contractor in front of members of Commission D.

Through a telephone connection, he only reminded the related Regional Work Units (SKPD) to ensure that the contractor for the drainage repair project is more careful in working so that there are no more collapsed houses like yesterday.

"We have given a message to the Sub-Department and the Contractor to pay special attention and nothing like this happens again," he explained.

For information, two houses on Jalan Kayu Manis IX, Matraman, East Jakarta collapsed on Friday, December 13, at around 23.15 WIB.

The incident took place when all family members were in the house. Luckily, the collapsed part only occurred in the front of the house, namely the terrace and restroom, which did not result in injuries to the occupants of the house.

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