
JAKARTA - Ahead of the 2019 Christmas and 2020 New Year celebrations, security issues are the government's main concern. A number of steps are in place for this security.

This problem prompted the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD to hold a meeting with the National Police Chief, General Idham Azis.

The meeting which took place at the Main Meeting Room Building (Rupatama) of the National Police Headquarters began at 11.00 WIB. This meeting lasted approximately two hours.

After the meeting, Mahfud gave a statement. He said, this routine work visit discussed the agenda of securing Christmas 2019 and New Year 2020.

"Ordinary work visits, routine tasks. This is the focus of facing the New Year and Christmas Day. Ensuring public safety and order," he said in Jakarta, Thursday, December 12.

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD and National Police Chief General Idham Aziz (Rizky Adytia Pramana / VOI)

Mahfud did not answer about other matters. He said, the meeting of up to two hours only discussed the matter of securing Christmas 2019 and New Year 2020.

"Everything (readiness) must be comprehensive. That's all that is discussed," said Mahfud.

After giving a statement, Mahfud left the National Police Headquarters by riding his official vehicle. Meanwhile, the National Police Chief was reluctant to give further statements about the meeting and chose to immediately enter the Rupatama building.

However, before leaving the location, Idham had mentioned that all statements would be conveyed by the Karo Penmas DivHumas Polri Brigadier General Argo Yuwono. "Later, Mr. Argo will continue," said Idham.

Meanwhile, Argo said, at the meeting the National Police Chief reported the number of Polri personnel assigned to secure Christmas and New Year celebrations.

"This year's agenda includes humanitarian operations, namely the candle operation and the new year. It will be held December 23 to January 1. There are more than 100,000 personnel from Aceh to Merauke," said Argo.

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