JAKARTA - The Chairman of the Democratic Party, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, reminded no one to burden Joko Widodo's current government with various other issues. Given the problems in the economic field currently being experienced by Jokowi and government officials.
The 6th President assessed that in the early days of Jokowi's administration, it was quite difficult. Therefore, to solve these economic problems, the government needs stability in other fields. For example political and social.
"Do not be burdened with other unnecessary problems. The government needs social stability and political stability, so that economic development works well," said SBY in his Reflection on the New Year, Indonesia 2020: Opportunities, Challenges and Hopes at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC ) Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, December 11.
Even though the economic challenge for the government is quite tough, he said, as a society as well as a political party, of course we must continue to be optimistic. SBY also admitted that he believed, if supported by all parties, Jokowi would be able to solve all major problems in this economic field.
"Let's give the government a chance to carry out its mission," he said.
SBY admitted, although he did not want the government to be burdened with various other issues apart from economic problems. However, democracy and freedom to the people's sovereignty are still considered important things.
"Democracy or economy. Freedom or security. We have proven that we can do economic development well, without marginalizing democracy, freedom and people's sovereignty," he explained.

APBN Can Contribute to Economic Growth
SBY hopes that government spending using the State Budget (APBN) can contribute to the country's economic growth. Moreover, considering the current rate of economic growth is slowing down.
According to SBY, the government needs to make various efforts to improve the country's economy. "We know that government expenditure is an important component in growth," he said.
The former Menkopolhukam in the Megawati era said that his party saw clearly that there was fiscal space that could be used as a gap to cover this rate of economic growth. However, for this the government must be smarter and more precise in allocating expenditure.
The gaps, said SBY, for example from the industrial sector, namely the manufacturing industry based in agriculture to mineral resources. In fact, the trade, construction and tourism sectors can also help increase the pace of this economy.
"Actually, many roads lead to Rome," he said.
On the other hand, SBY also expressed his appreciation to President Joko Widodo who wanted to get out of the middle income trap by 2045. To achieve this target, of course, requires high economic growth from now on.
"Experience shows that 6 percent economic growth a year will double the per capita income in 10 years. God willing, Indonesia can," he explained.
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