TANGERANG The number of passengers at Poris Plawad Terminal, Tangerang City, began to increase along with the school holiday welcoming Eid al-Fitr. It was recorded that 2,931 passengers left Tangerang City to go home to their respective hometowns.
Head of the Poris Plawad Terminal, Alwien Athena Alwi, revealed that the data was an accumulation from March 21 to 24 at 17.13 WIB.
In total there are 2,931 passengers. This data was collected by officers from March 21 to now, at 17.13 WIB to be exact," said Alwien when met at the location, Monday, March 24.
Alwien added that the number of passengers today, until 17.13 WIB, reached 764 people. However, he estimates that this number will continue to increase until the evening.
"This will continue to increase. Usually, complete data is only seen the next morning. Currently, there are 764 passengers and 164 departing vehicles," he explained.
According to Alwien, the increase in the number of passengers occurred because children had started school holidays ahead of Eid al-Fitr.
"The increase is because school children have started taking holidays," he said.
He estimates that the peak of the homecoming flow at the Poris Plawad Terminal will occur on March 27-28 or D-2 and D-3 Lebaran. After that, the number of passengers will drop drastically on March 30.
"Usually, the peak of the homecoming flow occurs on D-2 and D-3 Lebaran. Meanwhile, on March 30, it has started to be quiet because people have arrived at their hometowns," said Alwien.
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