JAKARTA - Personnel from the Cartenz Peace Operations Gakkum Task Force 2025 carried out the evacuation and processing of the crime scene (TKP) for incidents of attacks on honorary teachers and health workers as well as the burning of public facilities in Anggruk District, Yahukimo Regency carried out by the Free Papua Organization (OPM).
Head of Damai Cartenz 2025, Brigadier General Pol Dr. Faizal Ramadhani in a press release received by Antara in Timika, Monday, said that the crime scene was carried out in three main locations, namely the Anggruk Advent Elementary School housing complex, the Efata Wineuk Hospital Building and the school where the classroom was destroyed.
"The joint team also evacuated a number of injured victims and the dead victims from the scene to Efata Hospital and then to Dekai, Yahukimo," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, March 24.
According to Faizal, processing the crime scene is an important part of the Scientific Crime Investigation-based investigation process to reveal the truth of criminal events.
"The crime scene was carried out to make light of a criminal incident as part of the Scientific Crime Investigation so that we can collect evidence, witness statements in the field to find out what happened and who the perpetrators were," he said.
He explained from the results of the crime scene that the incident lasted for two days on Friday (21/3) and Saturday (22/3) and a group of perpetrators, totaling about 15 people, attacked honorary teachers using sharp weapons, burned two units of the teacher's official residence, damaged seven school classrooms and tortured and killed a teacher named Rosalia Rerek Sogen.
"The victim died with several serious injuries to the body including lacerations to the neck, stab wounds to the waist and open fractures to the hands while seven other victims suffered serious and minor injuries as a result of the abuse using sharp weapons," he said again.
Head of the Public Relations Task Force for the Cartenz Peace Operations 2025, Kombes Pol Yusuf Sutejo, said that his party appealed to the public to remain calm and not be provoked by issues that could make the situation worse.
"We also ask for active community cooperation to report important information regarding the perpetrators," he said.
He invited the people in Yahukimo and its surroundings to remain vigilant and not be provoked by provocations and immediately report if they have information about the whereabouts of the perpetrators.
"The active role of the community will be very helpful in creating a safe and conducive situation," he said.
From the results of the joint team's processing, they managed to collect a number of evidences such as broken glass, machetes and burning knives and samples of charred building materials.
Several witnesses have also been questioned to strengthen the investigation process and until now personnel from Damai Cartenz Ops are still guarding and monitoring intensively in the Anggruk District to anticipate potential further security disturbances.
He said the National Police emphasized its commitment to attend and protect people in the mountainous region of Papua from acts of violence.
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