JAKARTA - The act of mistreatment of household assistants (ART) allegedly carried out by a doctor's wife at a house, Jalan Kunci, Pulogadung District, East Jakarta, is often known to local residents.
"The victim (house assistant) shouted for help (when he was persecuted). According to the neighbor next door (the perpetrator) he heard from the wall, he said he shouted mercy. Ask for mercy. But residents can't go inside," said complex security officer Anto to reporters, Monday, March 24.
Apparently the physical violence that is often experienced by household members is often known by local residents. The persecution is usually caused because the perpetrator is annoyed with the victim.
"They reasoned that they said they broke the plate, it was not clean, that was the reason he (the perpetrator). Then the child's snub was abused," he said.
Currently, the case has been handled by the East Jakarta Metro Police. Previously, the persecution case was handled by the Banyumas Police.
"We have examined the witnesses, we have sent an invitation to the alleged perpetrator. We have sent the victim to the hospital for VER (visum et repertum), we have sent an introduction," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the East Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Armunanto when confirmed by VOI, Monday, March 24.
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