JAKARTA - The manager of the Cikopo-Palimanan Toll Road (Astra Tol Cipali) reported an increase in traffic flow on the Cipali Toll Road on Sunday, eight days before Lebaran 2025.
According to Ardam Rafif Trisilo, Head of the Department of Sustainability Management & Corporate Communications Astra Tol Cipali, the flow of vehicles increased by about 7 percent compared to the same volume the previous day.
"Today there is an increase in traffic on the Cipali Toll Road by around 7 percent compared to the volume of vehicles at the same time yesterday," he said in Subang, Sunday.
The increase mainly occurred on the route from Jakarta to Cirebon and its surroundings. As of 14.00 WIB, around 18.8 thousand vehicles crossed the Cipali Toll Road from Jakarta to Cirebon.
Ardam estimates that the number of vehicles crossing the Cipali Toll Road throughout this Sunday will reach around 84 thousand units. This figure is up about 11 percent compared to a total of 73.1 thousand vehicles recorded passing on Saturday (2/3).
The Cipali Toll Road Manager appealed to road users to ensure that the condition of the vehicle is in good condition before traveling. In addition, road users are reminded to adjust speeds according to the specified limits and maintain a safe distance between vehicles for the sake of mutual safety.
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