JAKARTA - Journalist Tempo experienced the act of terror of the head of a pig by an unknown person and has reported it to the police. Regarding reporting, the National Police stated that the temporary development is still in the process of being assessed.
"Regarding the complaint, the assessment process is still in progress," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko, to reporters, Saturday, March 22.
In addition, Trunoyudo also stated that the National Police would continue to communicate and coordinate with the Journalist Safety Committee (KKJ) as the reporting party in the case.
So, later all developments in the handling of reports of alleged terror against Tempo journalists will be submitted.
"This means that at this time it is still in the process of being assessed and we will continue to coordinate with the Journalist Safety Committee," Trunoyudo said.
Meanwhile, the report on the terror act is registered with the number LP/B/153/LI/2025/SPKT/BARESKRIM POLRI, dated March 21, 2025.
As is known, the Tempo Office received a pig head shipment on Wednesday, March 19. The pig's head was wrapped in a cardboard box covered with Styrofoam.
The box containing the pig's head is addressed to Cica. In Tempo, Cica is the nickname Francisca Christy Rosana, a political desk journalist and host of the Bocor Alus Politik podcast.
The Chief Editor of Tempo Setri Yasra suspects this effort is a terror against the work of Tempo journalism. Meanwhile, Chairman of the Press Council Nanik Rahayu also criticized the terror of the package delivery containing the pig head to the office.
The Press Council also appealed to all parties who objected to Tempo's reporting to give the right to responsibility instead of intimidation.
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