
As of this Saturday, the police have examined 39 witnesses to investigate the case of the death of an Indonesian Christian University (UKI) student, Kenzha Ezra Walewangko who was found dead in the campus area on Tuesday, March 4.

"The total is 39 witnesses who we have questioned. There are still witnesses who will be examined. We are trying our best," said East Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol Nicolas Ary Lilipaly when confirmed in Jakarta, as reported by ANTARA, Saturday, March 22.

Nicolas said the 39 witnesses consisted of 24 UKI students, one general public, the family, security officers (security officers) who were at the scene at the time of the incident (TKP) and helped the victim, pulled the victim from the ditch, and lifted the victim and took the victim to the UKI Hospital five people.

Then three witnesses from the UKI, namely the rectorate, campus authority, and the UKI Hospital who received the victim and carried out medical treatment on the victim as many as six people.

Until now, the East Jakarta Metro Police are still conducting a scientific investigation process (SCI) to find out the complete chronology and causes of death.

The police have also checked the crime scene (TKP) and conducted a crime scene. Then look for witness statements, take documentation, contact the Dokpol Medical Team, take the victim to the Police Hospital for a post-mortem et repertum and install police lines.

"We continue to coordinate with the National Police Hospital and the Forensic Laboratory regarding the results of the autopsy and the results of digital forensic examinations, toxicology, hispatology, DNA and others. After the results of the autopsy and Labfor, we will carry out pre-reconstruction," explained Nicolas.

Furthermore, Nicolas said that he would conduct criminal expert examinations and hold external cases to determine the final conclusion regarding the incident, including the element of a criminal act or not.

"The testimony from the witnesses in fact is in accordance with the incident, but the results cannot be published by investigators because they are still waiting for the results of the autopsy and the results of the forensic laboratory examination (labfor)," said Nicolas.

Previously, dozens of students from the Indonesian Christian University (UKI) held a demonstration in front of the East Jakarta Metro Police, Friday (21/3) afternoon.

Students came in front of the East Jakarta Metro Police carrying audio systems and banners while demanding clarity on the case of Kenzha Ezra Walewangko's death.

"We came here to question how the police are doing with the death of our friend Kenzha," said action coordinator Emon Wirawan.

Emon said it had been almost three weeks since the incident that the police had not been able to determine a suspect even though a number of witnesses had been examined.

"Almost three weeks this case has been rolling, but the police have not been able to determine who the suspect is in this case. This is very strange," concluded Emon.

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