
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Human Rights (HAM) sent a letter to the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, which contained a proposal that the police record certificate (SKCK) be removed because it was considered to have the potential to hinder the human rights of citizens.

The Director General of Instruments and Strengthening of Human Rights at the Ministry of Human Rights, Nicholay Aprilindo, said the letter was signed by Human Rights Minister Natalius Pigai and was sent to the National Police Headquarters this Friday.

"Alhamdulillah, the Minister has signed a proposal letter to the National Police Chief to revoke the SKCK with a study that we have conducted academically and practically," Nicholay said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, March 21.

He explained that the proposal emerged after the Ministry of Human Rights checked various correctional institutions (prisons) in a number of areas. During the visit, recidivist inmates were found.

The former convict was again imprisoned because it was difficult to find a job after leaving the prison so he was forced to repeat his unlawful act. They are burdened by the existence of a SKCK which is a requirement for job vacancies.

According to Nicholay, even though ex-convicts get a SKCK, there is a statement stating that they have been convicted. Therefore, it is difficult for companies or other places of work to accept ex-convicts.

These prisoners also complained about how with the SKCK being charged, their future was closed. In fact, they think that they get life sentences because they can't live a good, decent, or normal life because they are burdened by stigma as prisoners," he said.

The proposal to remove SKCK is called for the sake of enforcement, fulfillment, and strengthening human rights. This is because the Ministry of Human Rights is of the view that every human being, including convict, has human rights inherent since birth and cannot be revoked by anyone.

Nicholay also said that these efforts were in line with Astacita, which was put forward by President Prabowo Subianto, especially the first item, namely strengthening the ideology of Pancasila, democracy, and human rights.

"I hope this letter gets a positive response from the National Police Chief, for the sake of humanity. This has nothing to do with politics, but this is solely for the sake of humanity, for the sake of enforcement and fulfillment and strengthening human rights," he said.

Furthermore, if the letter of proposal for the removal of the SKCK does not receive a response from the Police, the Ministry of Human Rights plans to form a ministerial regulation (permen) regarding this matter.

"Our steps (if not responded) will be to consult with the DPR, then we will make a draft for candy," added Nicholay.

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