JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government held the Bandeng Rawa Belong Festival in Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta. The elected Governors of Jakarta in the 2024 Pilkada attended the event.
During the festival, a number of jumbo-sized milkfish were auctioned. Acting (Pj) Governor of DKI Jakarta Teguh Setyabudi and Pramono Anung joined in bidding on the auctioned fish.
The auction was opened with an offer of Rp. 1 million submitted by the Regional Secretary of DKI Jakarta, Marullah Matali. Not wanting to lose, Pramono immediately bid for an 8.5 kilogram milkfish at a price of Rp. 5 million. However, Teguh Setyabudi bid for a higher price, Rp. 6 million, and was named the winner of the auction.
The second auction was opened. Pramono, who still doesn't want to lose, immediately bid for milkfish with the same weight as before at a price of Rp. 6 million. Finally, both Teguh and Pramono brought home the jumbo milkfish.
Teguh explained that the Bandeng Rawa Belong Festival activities are related to the long history of culinary and trade in the Betawi people. Bandeng has a symbol of luck and prosperity.
"Fishes are also often present as a symbol of prayer and good hope in various traditional events. The flashing tradition is a Betawi tradition that is carried out to welcome, for example, the Chinese New Year. This is also a reflection of togetherness and honor of a culture full of meaning," said Teguh at the location, Tuesday, January 28.
Teguh ensured that the milkfish traded at this festival were new fish stocks originating from the Muara Angke wholesale market, North Jakarta.
"Testing has been carried out sampling, and God willing, all fish are in a fresh condition without formalin," said Teguh.
A number of former governors were also present and enlivened this event, starting from Sutiyoso or Bang Yos, Fauzi Bowo alias Foke, and Djarot Saiful Hidayat.
"Actually, yesterday it was still scheduled for Mr. Ahok and Mr. Anies. However, because last night suddenly there was an event today, he and his permission not to be here," he explained.
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