JAKARTA - The Taliban have confirmed that they will close the operations of national and foreign non-governmental organizations or NGOs in Afghanistan who employ women.
Quoting AP, Monday, December 30, this Taliban order came after an appeal was delivered in the last two years.
"If there is no cooperation, all activities of these institutions will be canceled and the agency's activity permits, granted by the ministry, will also be canceled," the Taliban said in a statement.
The order was issued in a letter on Sunday, December 29 evening local time. Afghanistan's Ministry of Economy warned NGOs who continue to employ women will be withdrawn their operational permits.
The Ministry of Economy said the responsibility for registration, coordination, leadership, and supervision of all activities carried out by national and foreign NGOs was on his side.
The Taliban have banned women from many types of jobs and mostly in public spaces. They also prohibit women from attending education beyond sixth grade.
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