
YOGYAKARTA - Have you ever been worried that your health data will be lost or difficult to access when switching health facilities? Electronic Medical Record (RME) is here as a solution to address the problem.

RME offers convenience for patients in accessing their health information practically and digitally. The existence of RME makes health services more integrated and quality.

Based on W Agustin's research through the STIKES repository page of Dr. Soetomo Hospital, the Electronic Medical Record (RME) is a complete and digitally stored patient's health record.

Information in RME covers the entire patient's medical history and is recorded by health workers every time they provide services.

RME itself can be accessed via a computer in a network to improve the efficiency and quality of health services.

Simply put, RME is a digitized patient's health record, including personal data, demographics, social, and a complete medical history. RME not only stores data, but also plays an active role in supporting clinical decision making.

By utilizing computerization technology, RME allows fast, accurate, and up-to-date access to patient information, thereby increasing the efficiency of health services.

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RME itself offers various advantages in managing patient data. In terms of operations, RME is able to accelerate the administrative process, increase data accuracy, and simplify reporting.

Thus, health workers can focus more on their main task, namely providing services to patients.

In addition, RME also facilitates better coordination between various units in health facilities, so that patient information can be accessed in real-time and integrated.

The existence of RME, it is very important to ensure the smooth process of patient care.

The application of Electronic Medical Record (RME) in Indonesia refers to several legal provisions, including:

Articles 46 and 47 regulate the obligation to record and store medical records, and emphasize the importance of maintaining patient data confidentiality.

Article 6 provides a legal basis for the use of electronic documents in the health sector.

Then article 16 specifically regulates technical requirements that must be met by the medical record electronic system, such as ensuring data security, system availability, and protection of unauthorized access.

This regulation generally defines medical records as a complete record of patients, from identity to medical history. However, this regulation focuses more on conventional or manual medical records.

Along with the development of information technology, the need for special arrangements for electronic medical records is increasingly urgent.

Unfortunately, there are no rules that specifically regulate all aspects of electronic medical records.

Thus, it is important to make specific regulations that contain the general principles contained in the existing RME, so that it can be used as a reference. This is important to ensure that the rights of patients remain protected, especially in terms of confidentiality of health data.

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