
YOGYAKARTA - The results of the 2024 simultaneous regional elections have been determined by the General Elections Commission (KPU) in their respective regions. The candidates for the most votes will be sworn in in February 2025. The regulation has been stated in Article 22A of Presidential Regulation Number 80 of 2024. The government will hold two simultaneous regional head inaugurations. So when will the schedule for the inauguration of regional heads be held?

"The inauguration of the governor and deputy governor as a result of the simultaneous regional head and deputy regional head elections in 2024 will be carried out simultaneously on February 7, 2025," reads Article 22A paragraph (1) of Presidential Decree Number 80 of 2024.

"The inauguration of regents and deputy regents as well as mayors and deputy mayors as a result of the simultaneous regional head elections and deputy regional heads in 2024 will be held simultaneously on February 10, 2025," reads the next paragraph.

The inauguration of the regional head can only be carried out after that date. However, the inauguration only applies to three conditions in Article 2A paragraph (3).

First, the dispute over the results of regional head elections and deputy regional heads at the Constitutional Court. Second, the second round for the DKI Jakarta gubernatorial election. Third, the situation of forcing or force majeur which resulted in the implementation of the inauguration being delayed.

At this time, the participants of the 2024 Pilkada have the opportunity to sue the results to the Constitutional Court. If there is no lawsuit in a region, then the Constitutional Court sends a letter to the regional KPU to determine the pair of candidates elected.

If there is a lawsuit, the Constitutional Court will first hear the dispute. The determination of the elected candidate pair was made after the Constitutional Court decided the lawsuit.

As of December 10, there were around 200 requests for dispute over the results of the elections on the Constitutional Court website. The series of requests do not include lawsuits from areas such as DKI Jakarta and North Sumatra.

Based on Presidential Regulation Number 80 of 2024, the inauguration of elected regional heads will be carried out simultaneously with the following schedule:

The inauguration includes governors from all provinces holding regional elections.

The inauguration of regional heads can be delayed in the event of the following situation:

Such is the review of the regional head inauguration schedule. Visit to get other interesting information.

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