
JAKARTA - The South Jakarta Metro Police revealed new facts in the case of a teenager killing a father and grandmother in Lebak Bulus, Cilandak, South Jakarta, which occurred on Saturday, November 30, 2024, at around 01.20 WIB.

It is known, before MAS (14) killed his father and grandmother, the situation inside the house was fine.

Head of Public Relations of the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKP Nurma Dewi, said that the suspect MAS had joked with his father and mother the night before the incident.

"So at night, from my mother's statement, they are still joking like a harmonious family," said AKP Nurma Dewi to reporters, Tuesday, December 10.

Based on AP's information, continued Nurma, MAS had time to enjoy dinner with his father jokingly.

"Before going to bed. So before going to bed, they ate together, continued joking, yes still laughing," he said.

Therefore, AP (40) did not expect his son MAS to take the action.

"Her mother also didn't expect it to happen like we saw together," he said.

Looking back a little, a teenage boy with the initials MAS (14) killed his father and grandmother while they were asleep in the middle of the night, at the Park Bona Indah Housing Blok B6, Lebak Bulus, South Jakarta, Saturday 30 November 2024 at 01.20 WIB.

The victim who died was his grandmother with the initials RM (69), his father, APW (40) after being stabbed with a kitchen knife. Meanwhile, the mother survived because the wound did not reach a vital part.

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