YOGYAKARTA Heart Sirosis is a condition in which the liver or liver is filled with scar tissue so that it cannot function optimally. This tissue is formed due to chronic liver disease (expanded) caused by infection with hepatitis B or C virus, or excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. So, what are the symptoms of early stage liver cirrhosis?
liver function disorders caused by cirrhosis generally cannot be fixed. However, if liver cirrhosis can be detected early and the cause is treated, the severity of this disease can be minimized.
Quoted from the British Liver Trust page, the following are symptoms of early stage heart cirrhosis that you need to know:
Some sufferers may not feel symptoms of liver cirrhosis in the early stages. Symptoms are only felt when liver damage is expanding.
Adapted from AI-Care, at an advanced stage, the symptoms of cirrhosis of the liver that the patient may feel, among others:
Some of the symptoms of heart cirrhosis that need to be watched out for include:
These symptoms may be a sign that the cirrhosis of the liver is very painful. If there are symptoms of cirrhosis of the heart above, immediately check yourself to the nearest health facility to get the right treatment.
This is information about the initial symptoms of liver cirrhosis. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.
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