JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) will open a registration for the selection of Hajj officers 1446 Hijri/2025 AD at the central level starting from November 29 to December 6, 2024.
There are eight service formations that are opened, namely accommodation services, consumption services, transportation services, worship guidance services, and congregational protection services.
Then, PKPPJH services (Restriction Handling and Oertama Assistance at Hajj Pilgrims), services for the elderly and disabled pilgrims, and services for the MCH (Media Center Hajj).
"The Saudi Arabian PPIH selection is carried out openly, fairly, and competitively. Registration and implementation of the selection are not subject to any costs," said Director of Hajj Development at the Ministry of Religion, Arsad Hidayat, quoting Antara.
The terms of the service are:
Participants Requirements
a. General requirements
1) Indonesian citizens; 2) Religion; 3) Physical and spiritual health; 4) Not in a state of pregnancy; 5) Committed to congregational services; 6) Have good integrity, credibility, and track records and are not suspects in the criminal law process; 7) Able to operate PPIH Reporting Application based on Android and/or iOS;8) ASN and/or employees at the Ministry of Religion/Hajj Organizing Agency (BP Hajj), Ministry/institutional State Apparatus related to the implementation of Hajj, TNI and POLRI; 9) Community elements from Islamic Community Organizations, Islamic Educational Institutions, and/or professional staff related to the implementation of Hajj.
b. Special Requirements
1) Implementing Services for Accommodation, Consumption, and Transportation:a) ASN Ministry of Religion/BP Hajj, ASN ministries/agencies related to the implementation of Hajj services, elements of society from Islamic community organizations (Ormas), Islamic educational institutions, and/or professionals related to the implementation of Hajj services; b) The lowest age is 25 years and a maximum of 57 years at the time of registering; andc) Prioritizing being able to speak Arabic and/or English.
2) Implementing of Worship Guidance: a) ASN Ministry of Religion/BP Hajj, ASN ministries/agencies related to the implementation of the pilgrimage, community elements from Islamic community organizations (Ormas), Islamic educational institutions, and/or professionals related to the implementation of the pilgrimage; b) The lowest age is 35 years and at most 60 years at the time of registering; c) Has performed the pilgrimage; d) Understanding the guidance of worship and the manasik of Hajj; e) Having a Hajj Manasik Guide Certificate issued by the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia; andf) Prioritized to being able to speak Arabic and/or English.
3) Implementing Jamaah Protection:a) Coming from elements of the TNI/POLRI; b) The highest age is 50 (fifty) years for men and 45 (fourty five) years for women at the time of registering; c) Understanding disaster protection and handling procedures and solving cases; d) Major's highest rank for the TNI or Police Commissioner for the National Police; Dane) Prioritized to being able to speak Arabic and/or English.
4) The PKPPJH (First Crisis and Rescue Handling on Hajj Pilgrims) Service with a minimum age of 25 (twenty five) years and a maximum of 45 (fourty five) years at the time of registering; b) Work as medical personnel and paramedics, prioritizing having experience in disaster management; c) Coming from the TNI/POLRI health service unit, Ministries/Institutions that handle disasters, and disaster management units from Islamic community organizations; andd) Prioritized to being able to speak Arabic and/or English.
5) Services for Elderly and Disabled Hajj Pilgrims) ASN Ministry of Religion/Hajj BP, Ministry/Institutional State Civil Servants related to the implementation of Hajj, community elements from Islamic Community Organizations (Ormas), Islamic educational institutions, and/or professionals related to the implementation of Hajj; b) The lowest age is 25 (twenty five) years and a maximum of 45 (fourty five) years at the time of registering; c) Prioritizing knowledge and/or experience in dealing with the elderly and/or people with disabilities; d) Prioritized to having the ability to use the language used by persons with disabilities; dane) Prioritized to being able to speak Arabic and/or English.
6) Service MCH (Media Center Haji)a Public Relations ASN Ministry of Religion with a minimum of 3 years of service from December 6, 2024, ASN Public Relations BP Haji, and or 5 years as a conventional media journalist, media journalist for community organizations (Ormas) Islam; b) The lowest age is 25 (twenty five) years and at most 57 (fifty seven) years at the time of registering; c) Working in the field of journalism in conventional media and mass media, or employees in charge of public relations with the Ministry of Religion and BP Haji;d) Understanding the journalistic code of ethics; Dane) Prioritized to being able to speak Arabic and/or English.f) specifically participants from conventional media, the media must be registered with the press council (administrative and factual verification)g. A maximum of 2 participants who register for each Public Relations Echelon I, Public Relations of the Provincial Ministry of Religion, as well as Islamic Ormas Media and Conventional Media.
c. Administrative requirements
1) Implementing Accommodation, Consumption, And Transportation Services, Elderly & Disabilities Hajj Pilgrims, And PKPPJH
1. A letter of recommendation from the Head of the Agencies/Agencies/Ormasa. Employees of the Central Echelon I Unit of the Ministry/Agencies signed by Echelon I; b. Islamic Organizations signed by the Head of the Center/Large Management; c. PTKI is signed by the Chancellor;d. The Islamic Boarding School registered with the Ministry of Religion was signed by the Head of the Islamic Boarding School.
2. Valid and Valid KTP3. Last Certificate4. Healthy Certificate from Puskesmas/Government Hospital5. Statement Letter of Ability to Operate PPIH Reporting Application based on Android and/or iOS is made up of 6. Last Decree for ASN7. Police Record Certificate (SKCK) for non-ASN8. Husband Permit Statement Certificate is separate for married women 9. Statement Letter has been registered (maintained) 10. Certificate of Legalized English and Arabic Language Ability (Preferred)
2) Implementation of Worship Guidance: 1. Letter of Recommendation from the Head of Agencies/Institutions/Ormasa. Employees of the Echelon I Unit of the Ministry/Institutions are signed by Echelon Official I; b. Islamic Organizations signed by the Head of the Center/Large Management; c. PTKI is signed by the Chancellor;d. The Islamic Boarding School registered with the Ministry of Religion was signed by the Head of the Islamic Boarding School.
2. Valid and Still Valid ID cards3. Last certificate4. Healthy Certificate from Puskesmas/Government Hospital5. Statement of Capability to Operate PPIH Reporting Applications based on Android and/or iOS is paired with 6. Certificate of Manasik Guideline Hajj 7. Final Decree for ASN8. Police Record Certificate (SKCK) for Non ASN9. Husband's Permit Statement is in conjunction for women who have been married 10. Statement Letter has registered (Privied)11. Certificate of Legalized English and Arabic Language Ability (Preferred)
3) Implementation of Jamaah Protection:1. Letter of Recommendation from the Head of TNI/Polri Headquarters2. Sah and Still Valid ID Card3. Last Certificate of Health from Public Health Center/Government Hospital5. Statement of Capability to Operate PPIH Reporting Application based on Android and/or iOS is in conjunction with 6. Last Decree for TNI/Polri7. Certificate of Permit of a Husband is brokered for married women8. Statement Letter has registered (Privied) 9. Certificate of Legalized English and Arabic Language Ability (Preferred)
4) Implementing MCH (Hajj Media Center):1. Recommendation letter from the Head of the Agency/Ormas/Mediaa. Public Relations of the Central Echelon I Unit of the Ministry of Religion/Hajj BP was signed by Echelon Official I;b. The Public Relations of the Provincial Ministry of Religion's Regional Office was signed by the Head of the Regional Office; c. The Media of Islamic Mass Organizations was signed by the Head of the Center/Big Management; c. The Media Company was signed by the highest media leadership.
2. Valid and Still Valid KTP3. Last Certificate4. Healthy Certificate from Puskesmas/Government Hospital5. Statement Letter of Capability to operate PPIH Reporting Application based on Android and/or iOS in conjunction with 6. Final Decree for ASN7. Police Records Certificate (SKCK) for non ASN8. Husband Permit Statement Certificate is separate for married women 9. Legalized English and Arabic Language Ability Certificate (Priviated) 10. Certificate as Media Professional or Public Relations Echelon I and Provincial Ministry of Religion Regional Office 11. Certificate registered in the Press Council (administional and factual Verification)12. Prioritized to having a Journalist Competency Test Certificate (UKW) for media journalists and mass media journalists
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