
SORONG - The Sorong Regency Government in Southwest Papua Province in collaboration with the salary distribution bank will block the accounts of teachers who are proven lazy to go to school. "This step must be taken because we have made many efforts, but there are still teachers who are lazy to go to school," said Head of the Sorong Regency Education Office, Reinhard Simamora, in Sorong, Antara, Monday, November 27. The blocking has been carried out on 20 teacher's salary account numbers and the effects of implementing the sanctions are starting to appear. "I worked with the bank as a channeler of salaries for teachers or school principals, and the result was that the teacher came and apologized, and returned to carrying out his duties," said Reinhard. However, this sanction is ineffective in lazy teachers who use an appointment decree as employees to take loans at banks and the remaining salary after deducting the bank to pay the loan. "When you only receive a salary of Rp. 200 to 500 per month because you have made a loan, the teacher automatically doesn't care about his duties and responsibilities and is ignorant if his salary account is blocked," said Reinhard. To overcome this problem, he said, the Sorong District Education Office required teachers who applied for credit to the bank to ensure that there was still a minimum salary of Rp. 1 million in the account after deducting the bank from paying the loan. "So they want to apply for credit, I ordered the treasurer to select and verify the remaining amount of salary to be received every month," he said. If the sanction of blocking the salary account has been applied but the teacher concerned is not deterred, he continued, the office will impose dishonorable dismissal sanctions. "If the teacher has not carried out his duties for six months, it means that he can submit a letter of dishonorable dismissal," said Reinhard.
According to local government data, Sorong Regency has 1,654 teachers consisting of 785 elementary school (SD) teachers, 440 junior high school (SMP) teachers, 288 high school (SMA) teachers, and 141 vocational high school (SMK) teachers. "The number of lazy teachers in Sorong Regency starting from elementary, junior high, high school, and vocational schools is around eight percent of the total number of teachers," said Reinhard. The application of sanctions for blocking salary accounts is expected to minimize the number of teachers who are lazy to enter schools in Sorong Regency.

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