
The Head of Public Relations of the Bali Police, Kombes Jansen Avitus Panjaitan, said that members of the Denpasar City Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) were persecuted by an unknown group of people after securing 33 people suspected of being commercial sex workers (PSK).

"As a result of the attack and mistreatment, five members of the Denpasar City Satpol PP were rushed to the hospital because they suffered injuries after being beaten with a hard object," said Jansendi Denpasar, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, November 27.

The attack lasted about 30 minutes, but they attacked blindly at each Satpol PP member by hitting, kicking, stepping on and molesting Satpol PP members who made Satpol PP members frightened and trying to secure themselves.

A number of properties belonging to the Denpasar City Satpol PP were also damaged by dozens of unidentified members. A total of 25 unknown people damaged official cars, threw various hard objects and knocked down motorbikes belonging to Satpol PP members.

The attack and persecution took place on Sunday, November 26, 2023 at around 04.30 WITA at the Denpasar City Satpol PP Office, Jalan Kecubung, Number 4 East Denpasar.

Prior to the attack, at around 23.00 WITA, Denpasar City Satpol PP members under the leadership of Team 1 Commander I Wayan Wiratma and 16 members carried out control of several localizations on Jalan Danau Tempe, Sanur Kauh, Denpasar City, Bali.

At that time, officers secured 33 women suspected of being prostitutes. Dozens of prostitutes were taken to the office for data collection and guidance. At around 12.30 WITA, the officers and dozens of prostitutes arrived at the office, followed by data collection and ended at around 02.00 WITA.

After collecting data, the women gathered in the office lobby guarded by members on duty.

At around 04.00 WITA, an unknown man came screaming in front of the office gate asking to open the door.

Several Satpol PP officers went to the front of the gate which was closed to check and ask what he meant. However, the person kept shouting and getting angry. Shortly thereafter the person took out a gun and pointed it at the officer.

Out of fear, members of the Satpol PP who were at the gate then resigned and entered the office.

"At the same time as commanded, a group of about 25 people suspected of having waited to the east of the gate, broke down the gate and stormed into the office screaming, then they immediately carried out an attack blindly against Satpol PP members using their bare hands and several pieces of wood," Jansen explained.

After carrying out the persecution and vandalism, the unknown group of people then left the Satpol PP office. The prostitutes who had previously been arrested were also gone and left the Satpol PP office.

As a result of the incident, five members of the Satpol PP were injured. Three members suffered serious injuries and were treated at Wangaya Hospital in Denpasar, IKGA (52) who suffered lacerations to the back of the head, lips burst, bruises and was still being treated by opname at Wangaya Hospital.

In addition, IGATY (33) who suffered a torn wound on his forehead with four stitches; and the victim IWW who suffered a torn wound on his lip. Another victim was, IMW (36) suffered bruises on both arms; AAMW (24) suffered bruises and abrasions on the lips; and INB (53) suffered injuries and bruises on the right jaw.

In addition, two units of the Denpasar City Satpol PP operational car, motorcycle officers and gate of the Satpol PP Office suffered serious damage.

Currently, said Jansen, the East Denpasar Police and the Denpasar Police Criminal Investigation Unit, as well as the Bali Police Mobile Brigade Unit are pursuing the perpetrators of the unknown group of people.

"To the perpetrators to immediately surrender and cooperate in the incident so that the investigation and investigation process can run well, smoothly, safely and orderly in accordance with the applicable law," said Jansen.

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