
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo said that the war and the blatant massacre that occurred in today's modern era is very not included in reason and conscience.

"It really doesn't make sense, it really doesn't come to our conscience, in today's super modern world there are still wars and massacres openly," said Joko Widodo in his remarks at the R20 International Summit of Religious Authoritys (ISORA) in Jakarta as reported by ANTARA, Monday, November 27.

President Jokoowi stressed that what happened in Palestine was a blatant massacre that claimed the lives of civilians, including women and children.

He stressed that the humanitarian tragedy in Palestine could not be tolerated in the slightest.

"The killings (which took place in Palestine) openly claimed (the) lives of civilians, claimed (the) lives of women and children. Ceasefire must be carried out immediately, humanitarian aid must be accelerated, and peace negotiations must begin immediately," he stressed.

The President said Indonesia believed that independence is the right of all nations and this was stated firmly in the Indonesian constitution.

Indonesia, said Jokowi, also has a long experience in knitting diversity and bridging differences and in uniting diversity.

"Currently, the Indonesian population has almost reached 280 million, consisting of 714 tribes, with more than 1,300 local languages or regional languages. Enlivening different religions and living on 17,000 islands that we have. It is not an easy thing to unite but we can," he explained.

He conveyed that Indonesia was grateful to be able to erode the egos of ethnicity, religious egos, and regional egos, so as to realize Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.

"Unity in diversity. Where it will not be able to be realized if it is not supported by religious teachings, it will not be able to be realized if it is not supported by religious leaders, who teach the love of the country is part of faith, tolerance for differences is part of faith, and maintaining unity is also part of faith," said Jokowi.

The President emphasized that Indonesia believes that the role of religion, religious leaders and society is very important in creating peace, harmony and togetherness both in a country, within the region and in the world.

"Therefore, I really appreciate it, I really appreciate the holding of this forum, let's make it a cross-religious dialogue, cross-border to bridge differences and stop all forms of dispute so that we can realize a peaceful, prosperous world," he said while inaugurating the opening of the R20 ISORA.

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