
JAKARTA - The Regency Government (Pemkab) of Agam, West Sumatra has disbursed village funds amounting to Rp77.87 billion from a budget ceiling of Rp84.10 billion from January to early November 2023.

Head of the Agam Asril Community and Nagari Empowerment Service (DPMN) accompanied by the Head of the Development and Wealth Division of Nagari DPMN Agam Eko Purwanto, in Lubuk Basung, Saturday, said the disbursed funds were the first phase of village funds amounting to Rp28.86 billion for 82 nagari or traditional villages, village funds for phase two Rp26.36 billion for 82 nagari and village funds for phase three Rp7.64 billion for 34 villages. "The total village funds in 2023 amounted to Rp84.10 billion sourced from the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN). These funds for 82 villages spread across 16 sub-districts in the area," he said. He said, the nagari that had not disbursed the third phase of village funds is still in the process of disbursement. However, he hopes that all of the nagari funds have been disbursed towards the end of the year and so is the realization of their work. "We write and urge the nagari government to quickly carry out activities, so that all village funds can be disbursed," he also said.

He added that the village funds were also intended for direct cash assistance of Rp. 14.98 billion for 4,163 families receiving benefits. After that, 18 villages also received additional village funds of Rp. 2.54 billion for the performance of the village government based on the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia No. 98 of 2023 concerning Amendments to the Regulation of the Minister of Finance Number 301/PMK.07/2022 concerning Village Fund Management. "Referred to the most additional village funds," he said again as reported by ANTARA, Saturday, November 25.

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