
JAKARTA - The name of an anti-islamic politician, Geart Wilders, is being discussed in the country. In addition to successfully leading the Freedom Party (PVV) to win the general election in the Netherlands, he is of Indonesian descent.

PVV won dramatically over the left-wing party alliance led by EU commissioner Frans Timmermans. From preliminary calculations, Wilders and the far-right PVV won over the acquisition of 37 out of 150 votes in parliament. While the left-wing party alliance won 25 votes. Even so, Wilders still has to garner some votes to replace the Prime Minister, Mark Rutte, who has been in power since 2010.

Based on the search, Wilders is the son of a father named Johannes Henricus Andreas Wilders and his mother, Anne Maria. His father is a native of the Dutch, while his mother has Dutch-Indonesian mixed blood. Wilders' presence in the Dutch world of politics is often controversial. Even during the campaign, he stated that the Dutch were not an Islamic country, so there would be a ban on wearing the hijab in government buildings.

Quoted from the Telegraph in 2007, Wilders also suggested that Muslims tear up half of the Koran if they wanted to live in the Netherlands because it contained bad things. In addition, Wilders also often insulted the Prophet Muhammad. Because he often insulted, demeaned, and made fun of Islam, Wilders was threatened with being bullied by Australian Islamic fundamentalist Feiz Mohammad.

Even in 2009 the UK also banned Wilders from entering his country because it was considered a threat to the public. In 2010, Wilders also could not enter Germany for a vacation. In 2012, Wilders also failed to get an Australian visa. Although the Netherlands is known to be liberal and multi-cultural, will the right to Muslim religion in the Netherlands be threatened? Especially if Wilders becomes Prime Minister. Watch the video below.

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