
JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the House of Representatives Ahmad Sahroni criticized the KPK Supervisory Board (Dewas) which was considered slow in responding to problems within the KPK.

This was said by Sahroni when responding to KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri who was announced by Polda Metro Jaya as a suspect in the extortion case against the former Minister of Agriculture, Syahrul Yasin Limpo.

"Maybe it's also related to the KPK council so far, I'm a bit criticized, and the performance is not getting better but getting weaker. Because dealing with problems that occur in KPK institutions themselves is a little slow, not giving a strong integrity," Sahroni told reporters, Thursday, November 23.

Sahroni continued, the KPK Council should have responded to reports against the KPK commissioners. However, the KPK Council is considered slow even though it only supervises the leadership and ranks of the KPK.

"It's also very slow for him not to be on the subject like the police and the prosecutor's office, but in the supervision of the performance of the KPK leadership and their ranks, but at least they responded first to what had been reported related to the KPK commissioner," he said.

The General Treasurer of NasDem then appreciated the quick steps taken by the National Police in handling the alleged extortion case against SYL by Firli. According to him, the determination of the suspect proves that the police work professionally.

"But last night was declared by the metro police to show that the police have fairly provided strong information to the public," he said.

Sahroni also considered that there needed to be an evaluation of the KPK Council. He also appealed to other KPK leaders to respond to this case. Meanwhile, the National Police, he said, must also examine other leaders regarding what has been done by the KPK Chairman.

"I think the KPK council also needs to be evaluated. Do not let the existence of a council not improve the performance of the institution but instead hinder the public vision process so far," he concluded.

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