
JAKARTA - The public prosecutor traced the loan of Rp137.5 million from Sentot Ismudiyanto Kuncoro as the Harbormaster of Kayangan to the Director of PT Muara Delta Kayangan (MDK), Rosmawati, the owner of the mine loading and unloading company at Kayangan Port, East Lombok Regency, NTB. "This money was transferred by both Suharmaji, your subordinates at Kayangan Harbor and his wife, Rosmawati. That's a total of Rp137.5 million. What money is that?" asked Hasan Basri representing the public prosecutor to Sentot at the Corruption Court at the Mataram District Court, Antara, Tuesday, November 21. Sentot was present as a witness in the follow-up trial of the corruption case of PT AMG's iron sand mine with the defendants Muhammad Husni, Zainal Abidin, and Syamsul Makrif. "It was a personal loan and it has been returned," replied Sentot. "If it has been returned, but there is no transaction in your account which indicates that it is a return from the loan. How about the return?" asked the prosecutor again. Sentot answered this by stating that he returned in cash and made payments in stages. "I paid in installments, there was Rp10 million, I gave it, that's it," said Sentot. "If you look at the range of time, this is a shipment from Suharmaji and Rosmawati for the period 2021 to the end of 2022 at the same time as the PT AMG delivery process runs. Is this related to issuing a sailing approval letter that does not meet the LHV requirements (report of verification results) and royalty payments?" asked the prosecutor and answered briefly by Sentot by stating no. The chairman of the panel of judges, Mukhlassuddin, heard this, immediately cut the opportunity for the public prosecutor to ask Sentot. "How many times did the transaction take, there were 32 times?" said Mukhlassuddin. After re-examination of evidence and minutes of examination, it was revealed that Sentot received the money totaling Rp137.5 million in 13 shipments. The witness in this case is the Head of the Class III Kayang Port Organizing Unit which also carries out the mandate as a harbormaster. He held the position from the end of 2020 to mid-2023. Suharmaji is said by the prosecutor to be a guard officer on duty at the Kayangan Port. Meanwhile, Rosmawati is the wife of Suharmaji who is also the director of the loading and unloading company for the mining materials of PT AMG for the period 2021 and 2022. Apart from being the director of PT MDK, Rosmawati is also the director of one of the ship's agency companies in the Kayangan Port area. Rosmawati's agent company named PT Fitra Muara Kayangan (FMK). Dua perusahaan milik Rosmawati tercatat dalam berkas perkara sebagai pihak yang mengurus pengolilan material tambang PT AMG sepanjang tahun 2021 sampai 2022. By submitting a sailing approval letter (SPB) from Rosmawati's company, PT AMG can deliver mining materials without LHV completeness and proof of royalty payments according to the requirements for mineral and coal mining commodities (minerba). This requirement was replaced with a statement letter from PT AMG which obtained the ratification of the Head of the NTB ESDM Service. According to the public prosecutor, the replacement requirement contradicts the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 82 of 2014 concerning Procedures for Issuing SPB.
Because the requirements for the issuance of SPB mining mineral materials must now refer to the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia Number 7 of 2020 which regulates the authority in mining operations that must be accompanied by approval of the planned budget activity (RKAB) from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia.

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