
The chanting of the salawat of thousands of worshipers rocked the Sojomerto Village Field, Reban District, Batang Regency, Central Java, Monday, November 20 evening.

They gathered at the National Salawat in commemoration of Heroes' Day and Picked up Ganjaran.

Thousands of worshipers were led by Muhammad Ali Shodiqin or Gus Ali Gondrong or Abah Ali. The high enthusiasm of the residents was seen by following the direction of the founder of the Sholawat Mafia.

"Rong ewu patikur (two thousand twenty-four), Ganjar Pranowo. 2024, Ganjar Pranowo," recalled the caretaker of the Ni'mah Semarang Roudlotun Islamic Boarding School before starting the prayer, Monday night.

The song '2024 Ganjar Pranowo' was followed by the worshipers repeatedly. The words that were sung made the atmosphere boisterous.

Thousands of spectators also brought knick-knacks such as the red and white flag to the Palestinian flag.

The excitement was then continued to sing the national anthem starting from Indonesia Raya, Indonesia Pusaka, and Syukur accompanied by Hadrah Ant Ireng Semarang. Then, followed by the reading of Pancasila.

Abah Ali also said that the 2024 General Election should not be white (golput) or not choose.

"Mas Ganjar, please convey that the election is five years apart (every five years), Kase dewe participates in the saklawase (we are brothers forever)," he explained.

Ulama gondrong itu mengatakan bahwa berbeda pilihan itu biasa. Jangan sampai berjuang hanya karena berbeda pilihan.

"Milih Pak Prabowo monggo, Pak Anies Monggo. Milih Pak Ganjar Monggo, berarti sami Kalih kula (meaning the same as me)," ucap Abah Ali.

In the event, a number of figures were present, starting from the Chairman of the PDI-P DPC Batang Regency as well as a Member of the Central Java DPRD, Ahmad Ridwan. Then also a number of other figures and scholars.

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