
The Indonesian Air Force stated that flight data recorders of two EMB-314 Super Tucano tactical fighter aircraft that crashed in Pasuruan Regency, East Java have been found.

The information was conveyed by the Head of the Indonesian Air Force Information Service (Kadispenau) First Marshal of the Indonesian Armed Forces R. Agung Sosongkojati on Saturday, November 18, 2023, in Malang City, East Java.

He said the data recorder was called Video Data Recorder (VDR) and Network Centric Data Cartridge (NCDC).

"So, this tool can be imported and can be brought to Abd Saleh Air Base. Both (the recording equipment of the two aircraft) have been found," Agung said as quoted by Antara.

Agung further said that the discovery of flight data recorders for the two Super Tucano aircraft is expected to find out the cause of the two planes crash.

You see, according to Agung, the flight data recorder stores a number of data, such as flight videos to the end, pilot communication, aircraft performance, speed, altitude, engine data, and the latest conditions.

Currently, he ensures that the investigation process will be carried out properly according to the procedures applicable by the Airworthiness and Safety Center and the work of the Indonesian Air Force.

Dalam penyelidikan (kecelakaan) pesawat modern, kita tidak hanya melihat mesin. Namus, ada 5M, yaitu orangnya, mesin peralatan, misi, manajemen, dan termasuk hal lain seperti kondisi cuaca dan lainnya," tutur Agung.

In addition, Agung asked people who have video recordings of airplanes and conduct formations to convey them to the Indonesian Air Force. The reason is, the video will be an important part of the investigation.

"We ask those who get pictures and videos so that they can be conveyed to us. Especially pictures of airplanes flying, formations over mountains," said Agung.

As is known, two EMB-314 tactical fighter aircraft Super Tucano TNI AU crashed in Pasuruan Regency on Thursday, November 16, 2023.

The plane took off at 10.51 WIB and lost contact at 11.18 WIB.

In that incident, the empathy of the victims who died, namely the First Marshal of the TNI (posthumous) Subhan, the First Marshal of the TNI (posthumous) Widiono Hadiwijaya, the Aviation Colonel (posthumous) Sandhra Gunawan, and the Aviation Lt. Col. (posthumous) Yuda A. Seta.

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