
JAKARTA - The state should play an important role as a party that makes it easier for someone to worship. However, it is different with the Ministry of Religion which actually proposes an increase in the cost of Hajj for pilgrims who will go to perform Worship to the holy land in 2024.

The Ministry of Religion proposed an increase in the Cost of Organizing Hajj (BPIH) in 2024, which was originally IDR 90 million to IDR 105 million. It is known that this increase was caused by several factors such as an increase in exchange rates, both Dollars and Riyal, as well as additional services. This increase made the Chairman of the DPD RI, LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti, voiced and emphasized to ensure the best service for the Hajj pilgrims before talking about the increase in costs.

According to him, the implementation of Hajj in 2023 has many problems and disadvantages. He encouraged the Ministry of Religion to provide congregational services and facilities for a much better pilgrimage. So that the congregation can carry out their worship solemnly and do not repeat the shortcomings that had occurred during the previous Hajj pilgrimage.

The senator from East Java stated that going on a pilgrimage is a matter of fulfilling the rights of citizens to worship, which is regulated in the Law on the Implementation of Hajj and Umrah. He also told several problems that occurred in the 2023 Hajj which according to him should not be repeated. Like many Indonesian pilgrims who were neglected because the buses from Muzdalifah were late in bringing the congregation to Mina.

There has also been a delay in the departure of several pilgrims. As well as the capacity of the airplane seats used to transport Indonesian pilgrims which were unilaterally changed without consent. Watch the video below.

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