
The Aceh Disaster Management Agency (BPBA) said a 2-year-old child who was reported missing from the flood current in Southeast Aceh was found dead.

"The victim died, a resident of Pasir Tuntung Village, Semadam District, named Muhammad Abbas (2), the son of the Maulid Court," said Head of BPBA Ilyas as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, November 14.

He explained that flooding in Southeast Aceh occurred on Monday (13/11) at around 20.00 WIB, with a water level of between 20-30 centimeters. The victim was reported missing in the incident.

Floods in Southeast Aceh were triggered by high-intensity rainfall that flushed the area so that several rivers in Southeast Aceh overflowed, as well as flash floods carrying mud and wood materials to residential areas.

In addition to a death toll, BPBA also reported that two local residents were injured in the incident.

Two people were injured, namely residents of Pasir Tuntung Village, Semadam District. Refugees are still being collected," he said.

The latest data from the Southeast Aceh BPBD, he said, was that the areas affected by the flood included Bambel, Semadamtiga villages, and Babussalamtiga villages.

Furthermore, Lawe Bulan District has five villages, Ketambe two villages, Lawe Sumur as many as four villages, and Bukit Tusam District as many as six villages.

Then, Tanoh Alas as many as four villages, Babul Rahmah one village, Lawe Alas one village, Darul Hasanah one village, Deleng Pokison six villages, Lawe Sigala four villages, and Babul Makmur District one village, bringing the total to 50 villages in 14 sub-districts.

Until now, the district government through the Southeast Aceh BPBD SAR team, TNI/Polri and other cross-sectors continues to deal with floods and flash floods in Southeast Aceh.

"The water condition has gradually receded," he said.

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