JAKARTA - The pair of presidential and vice presidential candidates for the Change Coalition, Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar or the Amin pair have officially announced the former Kabasarnas M Syaugi Alaydrus as the captain of the national team (Timnas) for the 2024 presidential election.
Bacawapres Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin) likens the 2024 election to a football match. He asked all Indonesian people to be spectators who saw and escorted the match directly.
"Of course we will face fierce football matches, we hope the audience will continue to enjoy the match live," said Cak Imin and a press conference on Jalan Diponegoro 10, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, November 14.
"If someone is naughty, please cheer up. If someone is tunneling, please cheer up. If someone is cheating, please cheer up," he added.
The deputy chairman of the DPR hopes that election organizers who act as referees can act fairly. If there are election participants who cheat and are naughty, they must be dealt with firmly.
"Use your camera, if there are naughty players, yellow or red cards must be issued. And to the referee, please use the FIFA certificate as well as possible," said Cak Imin.
"If you referees play concurrently, as well as players, I don't hesitate to report to FIFA. Be an objective referee, be a referee who can really bring proud election results," he added.
The General Chairperson of the PKB reminded that the 2024 General Election must be carried out directly, freely, secret, honestly, and fairly. In addition, elections must also be legitimate, recognized by the world and the people.
"The general election that gave birth to a government that can be obeyed directly by the people. So it is absolutely absolute for us that elections must be honest and free of secrets," said Cak Ini.
"What we hope for in the election is a good result, producing a good democracy as well as the people's obedience to jointly become part of national development," he concluded.
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