
JAKARTA - President Prabowo Subianto's candidate has a philosophy of too few friends and one enemy is very much in his political attitude both outside and within the country.

Initially, the Minister of Defense emphasized that he would maintain good relations with all countries, including the United States, Russia, and China, which are major countries.

Respect is given to these countries because they have contributed to Indonesia.

"If you ask me, we must give respect to this strength," Prabowo said during a speech at a discussion with the theme 'Greet and Foreign Political Strategy' at CSIS, Pakarti Center building, Jakarta, Monday, November 13.

Not to forget, Prabowo also touched on his respect for India and Japan, as well as other Muslim countries.

This respect is a reflection of Prabowo's political way. The presidential candidate promoted by the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) wants to have as many friends or networks as possible.

"So basically Indonesia, my principle is that 1,000 friends are too few. One enemy is too many. This is easier to say but not easy to do," he said.

In fact, this philosophy is also said to be applied in politics in the country.

"So now my principle is in domestic politics. If you look at it. I'm friends with anyone. If they don't want to be friends with me, I still want to be friends with them," said Prabowo.

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