SLEMAN - The Central Executive Board (DPP) of Santrine Abah Ganjar (SAG) continues to close ranks to provide support to Ganjar Pranowo and Mahfud MD in the 2024 presidential election.
This is evidenced by the consolidation held by the Islamic Boarding School (Ponpes) Ibnu Hadi in Prambanan, Sleman Regency by holding Jalan Sehat Santri Sarangan with the community and all volunteers in Yogyakarta, Sunday (12/11/2023).
In the healthy road activities, hundreds of people from Sleman, Klaten, Bantul, Kulonprogo, Gunung Kidul and Yogyakarta are present. They voluntarily attended to commit to supporting Ganjar Pranowo and Mahfud MD in the 2024 presidential election.
KH Imam Syajaroh or who is familiarly called Gus Jaroh as the Syuro Board of BB9 as well as the caretaker of Ibnu Hadi Islamic Boarding School stated that this was a form of real support from the community for the victory of Ganjar Pranowo and Mahfud MD in the 2024 presidential election.
"This shows that the community and volunteers are not affected by the various bad issues that have developed recently, related to Ganjar and Mahfud. The proof is that hundreds of people from various regions gather here to reaffirm their support for the Ganjar-Mahfud pair," explained Gus Jaroh.
Gus Jaroh said, SAG as a forum for associations of Islamic boarding schools will continue to carry out other positive activities to convey messages of kindness from Ganjar-Mahfud. One of them is friendship, prayer together and useful activities like today.
"Of course we from SAG want to be useful people for others. Because the sabda of the Prophet SAW as best as possible for humans is the most beneficial for others. That's why SAG must of course be more useful for others," explained Gus Jaroh.
The Jalan Sehat Santri Sarangan activity was also attended by former Bantul Regent Sri Surya Widati and Deputy Regent of Sleman, Danang Maharsa who also had the opportunity to release healthy road participants. It is hoped that with this activity, communication between residents and volunteers supporting Ganjar-Mahfud will be more solid for victory in 2024.
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