
SURABAYA - Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Trenggono stated that the National Movement for the Sea Love Month in 2023 was recorded to have collected a total of 820 tons of waste.

"Most of what we collect is plastic waste," said Minister Sakti Wahyu when closing the 2023 Sea Love Month at Kenjeran Beach, Surabaya City, as reported by ANTARA, Friday, November 10.

This activity, which has been promoted since last July in a series of commemorations of the 24th Anniversary of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, involves fishermen in 18 regencies/cities throughout Indonesia to collect garbage from the sea.

A total of 820 tons of waste collected by the fishermen was paid according to the price in their respective regions. That way it also provides additional income for fishermen.

The National Movement for the Month of Marine Love has been held twice by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.

Last year the peak event of the National Month of Cinta Laut Movement was held in Bali.

"This year we hold the peak of the National Movement for the Month of Cinta Laut in Kenjeran Surabaya. Next year we don't know yet, it could be elsewhere, which is definitely outside the island," said Minister Sakti Wahyu Trenggono.

According to him, the Indonesian Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries is determined to make the National Movement of the Month of Marine Love a routine activity every year.

"It is hoped that it can educate fishermen and the public to protect the sea, especially from plastic waste, which is targeted to fall by 70 percent by 2025, as announced by President Joko Widodo," he said.

The peak of the National Movement for the 2023 Sea Love Month on Kenjeran Beach in Surabaya was enlivened by the appearance of the legendary rock music group "Slank", by bringing a number of hit songs that the audience had memorized.

"Happy celebrating the Month of Marine Love. This is Slank's second appearance at the Indonesian Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries," said vocalist Slank Kaka.

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