
JAKARTA - Prabowo Subianto and the future vice presidential candidate Gibran Rakabuming Raka are determined to continue their development towards a strong and prosperous Indonesia. Prabowo said the legacy of achievements that had been made during the Joko Widodo administration was not easy.

This was conveyed by Prabowo Subianto in his remarks while attending the 59th Anniversary of the Golkar Party, Monday, November 6 evening.

"To continue the legacy requires determination, enthusiasm and idealism, a very, very high commitment and for that we are ready to give everything we can to realize the ideals of the country and nation," said Prabowo Subianto.

On that occasion, Prabowo also thanked Jokowi. He admitted that he learned a lot from the figure of the seventh president.

"I learned a lot from you, especially in the political field, sir. Many say 'Prabowo has changed now'. How can't it change? Twice defeated, he was forced to change," Prabowo said and was greeted by laughter from the audience.

He also added that another thing that was learned was the figure of a statesman owned by Jokowi. If later, Prabowo was elected to continue the development of this country, he would also somewhat invite all elements to build Indonesia.

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