Preventing Soldiers From Being Lulled In Online Gambling, TNI Members' Cellphones In Central Lombok Are Checked
Checking the cellphones of members of the TNI Kodim 1620 Central Lombok, NTB in the yard of the local TNI office, Monday (6/11/2023) (ANTARA/HO-Humas Kodim 1620 Central Lombok)


NTB - Central Lombok Kodim 1620 Commander Lt. Col. Kav Andi Yusuf Kertanegara conducted an inspection of all TNI members. Andi inspected checking cellphones (HP) in order to prevent soldiers from falling into online gambling.

"This inspection was carried out aimed at preventing the fall of soldiers in online gambling practices that could endanger discipline and fairness in military life," he said after checking the Hp of members of the ranks at the 1620 Kodim courtyard in Praya, Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province, Monday 6 November, confiscated by Antara.

He said this step was part of efforts to prevent and maintain the integrity of soldiers in carrying out state duties.

"Online gambling practices can result in a decline in public performance and trust in military institutions," he said.

In addition, after checking all members of the Central Lombok Kodim 1620, they were also given an understanding of the dangers of online gambling practices and their negative impact on performance and integrity as members of the military.

"Alhamdulillah, from the results of the inspection that we carried out to all soldiers, we did not find any indications of online gambling practices by members," he said.

During the inspection, not only cellphones were checked, but also in-depth interviews were conducted to ensure that soldiers understood and complied with the rules set regarding the prohibition of engaging in online gambling practices.

"If there are soldiers who are proven to be involved in online gambling activities, they will be subject to sanctions in accordance with the provisions and the applicable laws in the military," he said.

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