
JAKARTA - The Attorney General's Office (AGO) has named Member III of the Indonesian Supreme Audit Agency (BPK), Achsanul Qosasi, as a suspect for receiving a 4G BTS project worth IDR 40 billion. From the results of the temporary investigation, the receipt of the money took place at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, Jakarta. "That around July 19, 2022, at around 18.50 WIB at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, it is suspected that brother AQ (Achsanul Qosasi) had received an amount of money of approximately Rp40 billion," said the Director of Investigation at Jampidsus AGO, Kuntadi, to reporters, Friday, November 3. The tens of billions of money was given by the Commissioner of PT Solitech Media Sinergy, Irwan Herwaman, who is also a defendant in the alleged 4G BTS corruption case. However, technically the gift was not directly from Irwan Hermawan. Instead, through Windi Purnama, who handed it over to Sadikin Rusli. "(The money) from brother IH through brother WP and SR," he said. However, it is not yet known the allocation of the money giving to Achsanul Qosasi. Although, there are allegations that the money is so that the BPK members can secure the investigation of the 4G BTS corruption case carried out by the AGO or influence the audit process. "We are still investigating whether the Rp40 billion in money is in order to influence our investigation process or in order to influence the BPK audit process," he said. To reveal the allocation of the money, the investigative team is still collecting evidence and examining witnesses. However, the results of the temporary investigation of Achsanul Qosasi received the tens of billions of money when the alleged corruption case of the 4G BTS project entered the investigation stage. "What is clear is that this incident occurred at the beginning of our investigation, which means we still have to investigate," said Kuntadi.
Meanwhile, after being named a suspect, Achsanul Qosasi was immediately detained at the Salemba Detention Center at the South Jakarta District Attorney's Office. In this case, he was charged with Article 12 B, Article 12 e and or Article 5 paragraph (2) letter b in conjunction with Article 15 of the Corruption Crime Law and or Article 5 paragraph 1 of the Law on the Crime of Money Laundering.

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