Social Minister Risma Kunker To Krayan, Distributes Various Aids


TARAKAN - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini again made a working visit in North Kalimantan (caltara). The Minister of Social Affairs was accompanied by a member of Commission VI of the DPR, Deddy Yevri Hanteru Sitorus.

"For two days the Minister of Social Affairs is scheduled to visit Krayan, Nunukan and Sebatik sub-districts. This has been scheduled for a long time. Mrs. Risma will provide a number of assistance to the community at the Indonesia-Malaysia border," said Deddy Sitorus, Thursday, November 2.

Arriving from Jakarta, Social Minister Risma and her entourage immediately flew to Yuvai Semaring Krayan Airport, Nunukan Regency by helicopter Then to Long Layu, South Malinau District.

"In Long Layu, we will hand over salt wrappers, school uniforms, computers and basic necessities. After Long Layu, the Minister of Social Affairs will fly to Binuang Airport. Here, the village internet will be inaugurated and the handover of a number of aids," said Deddy Sitorus.

After that the group returned to Yuvai Semaring Airport to conduct a ground-breaking at SD 007 Liang Butan, Krayan Induk.

"The construction of this school is fully financed by the Ministry of Social Affairs," he explained.

Social Minister Risma, continued Deddy Sitorus, accompanied by a number of top officials from the Ministry of Social Affairs to inspect the salt processing location in Long Midang.

"We invited Mrs. Risma to the border. Seeing the conditions there and having a dialogue with local residents," continued Deddy.

Ahead of sunset, Risma will witness the lighting of the PJUTS lights for assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs. The flasher of the solar-powered road will be installed in a number of places in Krayan.

"That night, Mrs. Risma will be treated by the people of Krayan at the General Meeting Center," he added.

Meanwhile, a community leader of Krayan, Yakob Palung, said that the former mayor of Surabaya was planned to be given the honorary title of the people of Lundayeh.

"We are proud that Mrs. Risma has paid more attention to the people of Krayan. We agree that the Krayan residents will pin their title to her," said Yacub Palung, who also serves as a member of the Kaltara Provincial DPRD.

A number of aids will also be handed over by Social Minister Risma Like at SD Francisco Yasinta, Santo Gabriel Dormitory.

In Sebatik District, Risma will visit the Al Khairat Islamic Boarding School and provide help with seaweed dryers. The activity ended after the lighting of the PJUTS lights at Mantikas Pier.

Groundbreaking School

The Minister of Social Affairs conducted a groundbreaking for SD 007 Liang Butan, Krayan Induk, Nunukan Regency, North Kalimantan (Kaltara). Uniquely, the design of the SD building was actually made by Social Minister Tri Rismaharini.

"I'm an architect who is targeted to become a minister. This is the elementary school building that I designed myself. Actually for two floors, but we'll see if the raw materials are available," said Risma.

"The renovation of the SD 007 building cost 2.6 billion rupiah. I ask that the old school building not be torn down," said Risma.

The plan is for this construction to cover three classes and one computer laboratory.

"We are responsible for dealing with frontier, remote and underdeveloped areas such as Krayan, which is one of the leading categories because it borders the Serawak, Malaysia," explained Risma.

Meanwhile, a member of Commission VI of the DPR, Deddy Sitorus, appreciated the assistance provided by the Social Minister to the border residents.

"Initially, the plan to build an elementary school building was for SD 006, but we will transfer it. We will try later," he said.

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