
JAKARTA - The political situation ahead of the 2024 General Election is still a public concern. A few days earlier, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) met and hosted the lunch of three Presidential Candidates (Capres) 2024, namely Anies Baswedan, Ganjar Pranowo and Prabowo Subianto.

However, after the moment of the lunch at the palace, the turmoil of national politics suddenly changed the political constellation that made the presidential-cawapres candidate pair Ganjar-Mahfud seem to be under pressure here and there. This of course does not dampen the direction of support for Ganjar-Mahfud.

Yesterday it was reported that there was a decline in billboards and Ganjar-Mahfud banners in Bali when President Jokowi went to Gianyar to become a line from this two-week political commotion where Jokowi's eldest son, Gibran, was paired with Prabowo for Jokowi's blessing.

The pressures on Ganjar-Mahfud actually received growing public sympathy. Like on Sunday, October 29, 2023, the presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo was present at the Maluku Voor Ganjar declaration event at the Senayan Jakarta basketball hall.

In the event of support for Ganjar, the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of the masses amazed the Chairman of Kornas Ganjarist Kris Tjantra with the boisterous break up' at that time. Ganjar was also present and greeted with Maluku dance.

"Maluku Voor Ganjar, the top. I was there to feel their enthusiasm and optimism for Mas Ganjar," said Kris Tjantra, Sunday, October 29.

On this occasion, Kris also revealed that, there were hopes and dreams that were pinned to Ganjar Pranowo's shoulders from the people of Maluku. Kris also added that the people of Maluku really hope that one day, Maluku can become one of the provinces that is advanced.

"There is great hope that they give Mas Ganjar to Maluku. Maluku, which is one of the oldest provinces, deserves to be taken into account. I hope that Maluku can become one of the richest provinces, no longer being one of the poorest provinces. I also hope that one day Maluku children will be able to sit in Mas Ganjar's cabinet, "added Kris.

Meanwhile, in his remarks at the "Maluku Voor Ganjar" event, Ganjar Pranowo stated that he and Mahfud MD would fight to complete national agendas, especially legal certainty and eradicating corruption.

"Give us criticism, give us notes, give us corrections, this is not a story about power, this is not a story of Ganjar or Mahfud, this is a story about us and Indonesia in the future," concluded Ganjar.

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