
JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian Gelora Party Fahri Hamzah questioned the public's reason for not choosing the Mayor of Surakarta, Central Java, Gibran Rakabuming Raka as a candidate for vice president in the 2024 presidential election because he is the eldest son of President Joko Widodo. "If people choose Mahfud MD, if people choose Pak Anies, why can't people choose Gibran? Is it the right of citizens to be cut because he is the son of an official?" Fahri said in a discussion on the Trijaya Polemic Political Issue After the Constitutional Court' decision was monitored online in Jakarta, Saturday. Because, he said, in the democratic system, it was the people who ultimately chose and determined the winner of the election contestants.

"There is no term perpetuating power in democracy, all of them are elected by the people, so all of them were chosen by the people," he said, quoted from Antara. He gave an example of a number of election contestants who had blood relations with public officials who did not immediately come out as winners.

"There were many children of leaders in the past who were defeated by the people. I often say that Pak JK's nephew (Jusuf Kalla) lost by empty boxes, Mr. Ma'ruf Amin's son in Tangerang was defeated," he said. For that, he asked the contestants for the 2024 presidential election not to be afraid to fight for this reason. "So in the end, don't be afraid to fight," he said. He believes that President Jokowi will be neutral in the 2024 presidential election because his son is different from the coalition that Jokowi currently occupies, namely the PDI-P. "If this is still a distance from other people, it is not Gibran, Prabowo's president, Prabowo's president is another party with Pak Jokowi, the coalition that was formed is also different," he said. Previously, Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka became pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates for the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) who officially registered to the Office of the General Election Commission (KPU) RI on the last day of registration, Wednesday (25/10).

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