
KUPANG - Chairman of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) Kaesang Pangarep was present in Kupang City, East Nusa Tenggara, this Saturday morning.

Seen at the location, hundreds of people enthusiastically welcomed Kaesang's presence with a number of PSI elites at around 07.00 WITA carrying out a leisurely walk in the free-to-drive area, the NTT Governor's Office complex.

Residents who were active at the location were seen jostling to ask for photos together with the youngest son of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo.

Maria, a high school student, was also jostling to get a photo with Kaesang.

"Kaesang's brother, who I usually see on television, is in Kupang," he said.

He was happy and promised to publish the photo on his social media.

Di lokasi yang sama, berbagai kegiatan digelar, di antaranya lari marathon Soe-Kupang 108 kilometer. Kegiatan bertajuk Jelajah Timur: Run for Equality itu untuk menjaburi charma tanaman alam Pulau Timor dalam mewujudkan akses air bersih yang layak untuk Nusa Tenggara Timur.

The activity started with the Soe Regent's Office, South Central Timor and ended at the NTT Governor's Office, Kupang City.

Reported by ANTARA, Saturday, October 28, Kaesang Pangarep together with a number of PSI elites with political safaris in NTT from 27 to 28 October 2024.

When meeting hundreds of mothers and children at Posyandu Kenari, Kupang City, Kaesang promised to build clean water wells for several points at that location.

"Later, I will try to build a water well so that I can get clean water," said Kaesang when assisting food packages to 100 stunting and malnutrition children at RT 024 RW 09 Naikoten I Village, Kota Raja District, Kupang City.

It is known that in the 2019 election the Jokowi-Ma'ruf pair won 2,368,982 votes or 88.57 percent in NTT, far from the Prabowo-Sandi pair as many as 305,587 votes or 11.43 percent. NTT became one of Jokowi's winning bases in the second term of his leadership as president of Indonesia.

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