JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has asked for the completion of the Margatiga Dam in East Lampung Regency in 2024.
"The problem of working on the Margatiga Dam is getting better and better," said Jokowi in Central Lampung as reported by ANTARA, Friday, October 27.
The President said that the acceleration of the work on the Margatiga Dam could increase the resilience of water resources in East Lampung and its surroundings.
"I want it to be resolved next year, but there are indeed a few problems on the ground at this time," he said.
Jokowi hopes that various problems regarding the Margatiga Dam can be resolved soon. "There are a few problems in the field, so we are waiting for us to solve them first," he added.
The dam has a capacity of 42.31 million cubic meters which accommodates water from the Way Sekampung River. This dam has the potential to irrigate an area of 16,585 hectares.
The Mesuji Sekampung River Basin Center (BBWS) will accelerate the impunding of the Margatiga Dam to strengthen water resources in the area.
However, there are currently a number of problems related to the existence of 1,438 plots of land that are currently being audited for growing crops.
At the same time, the form deliberation process has also been carried out by the East Lampung Land Office P2T to immediately resolve the problem.
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