
JAKARTA - Commission I of the DPR RI congratulated General Agus Subiyanto who had been inaugurated as Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) replacing General Dudung Abdurachman who was entering retirement. There are a number of messages from Commission I of the DPR to support General Agus' performance.

"Congratulations on the election of General Agus Subiyanto as the new Army Chief of Staff, hopefully he can carry out his duties and mandates to bring the Indonesian Army to be better in maintaining national defense and sovereignty," said Chairman of Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Meutya Hafid, Thursday, October 26.

Commission I of the DPR as a partner of the TNI also emphasized a number of things for General Agus, considering that the replacement of the Army Chief of Staff this time was carried out in the political year. Meutya hopes that General Agus can bring TNI AD soldiers to uphold neutrality in welcoming the 2024 General Election.

"The role of the Army Chief of Staff in keeping TNI AD soldiers away from practical politics is very large. TNI soldiers must indeed contribute to the country's democratic system, but the politics carried out is state politics and politics that boils down to the people," he said.

Meutya added, the TNI must be committed to maintaining neutrality in the implementation of the General Election. The neutrality of soldiers is said to be a strong basis for supporting the development of democracy and national defense.

"This is a principle that guarantees that the TNI remains the guardian of the professional and independent country's sovereignty," explained Meutya.

In the implementation of the democratic party, the TNI is tasked with helping the National Police and election organizers to ensure that the Legislative and Presidential Elections run safely and conducively. Even so, Meutya reminded that in carrying out this task, TNI soldiers remain professional and maintain integrity to create a safe, orderly and smooth election situation.

The election security operation carried out by the TNI is a form of Military Operations Apart from War (OMSP) that must be carried out professionally by all soldiers. Given that the election process has a very high potential for vulnerability, the TNI must be present for the sake of the country's conduciveness," he explained.

Meutya also asked General Agus to ensure that all his staff understood the duties and obligations in supervising election security. Periodic briefing is considered necessary for the Pangdams to unit commanders.

"Under the leadership of General Agus Subiyanto, I believe the Indonesian Army will continue to stand on its propriety as a soldier by not being involved in practical practices or political activities," said Meutya.

On the other hand, the legislator from the North Sumatra I electoral district also advised the Indonesian Army to continue to ensure that every military operation carried out complies with standard operating procedures (SOPs). Then what is no less important, said Meutya, is respect for Human Rights (HAM).

"The main task of the TNI is to uphold state sovereignty, maintain the integrity of the territory of the Republic of Indonesia, and protect the entire nation and all of Indonesia's blood from all threats and disturbances. In carrying out these tasks, TNI soldiers must always uphold human rights," he explained.

"Commitment to human rights is a basic principle that must be imprinted on every TNI action. This includes protection against civilians, detainees, and vulnerable populations in situations of armed conflict," continued Meutya.

As the Army Chief of Staff, General Agus is said to have a big responsibility in ensuring that the Indonesian Army carries out military operations with respect to human rights. Meutya said that respect for human rights is the key to maintaining the image and integrity of the TNI.

"This also reflects Indonesia's commitment to the principles of international human rights and democracy. So the example of the Army Chief of Staff as the leader of the Indonesian Army to respect human rights in every military operation is very significant," he said.

In carrying out his duties, the TNI is reminded to always be simple and protect the hearts of the people. This is in line with the 8 mandatory TNI which is a guide for soldiers while working.

"Let stand attitude and arrogance. TNI soldiers must be polite to the people and be an example in their attitude. Never harm, scare, or hurt people's hearts. Instill the spirit of service because the TNI comes from the people, fight together with the people, and for the benefit of the people," Meutya said.

Meutya hopes that General Agus Subiyanto's leadership can bring the TNI AD even more purple, great, and more respected. General Agus is also expected to continue to increase the unity of soldiers with the people.

"Congratulations on duty and success for General Agus. Kartika Eka Paksi, for the sake of the dignity of the homeland and the nation as well as true soldiers," he concluded.

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