JAKARTA - Deputy for the Election Winning Body (Bappilu) of the Democratic Party DPP Kamhar Lakumani admitted that he did not know the talks held at a meeting between President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Chairman of the Democratic Party Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) at the Presidential Palace, Jakarta, Monday, October 23.
"Regarding yesterday afternoon's meeting between President Jokowi and Mas Ketum AHY, we do not yet know what the conversation is," Kamhar said in a statement received in Jakarta, Antara, Tuesday, October 24.
He said he did not want to comment further on the meeting, because a cabinet reshuffle is the president's authority.
"Cabinet reshuffle is the president's prerogative, we don't want to comment and make assumptions," he said.
He also mentioned that the main focus and priority of the Democratic Party at this time is to prepare for the 2024 General Election, both in the presidential and legislative elections, which are less than four months away from being held.
"Give efforts with all the power and efforts to bring Pak Prabowo as the 8th President of the Republic of Indonesia and meet the target of seat occupancy in all electoral districts in the upcoming legislative elections," he said.
Previously, President Joko Widodo admitted that he had a meeting with the Chairman of the Democratic Party Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono at the Presidential Palace, Jakarta, Monday (23/10).
On that occasion, Jokowi stated that a cabinet reshuffle might be held this week.
The meeting was held amid the heated issue of a cabinet reshuffle.
One of the ministry posts that will be reshuffled is the position of Minister of Agriculture. After Syahrul Yasin Limpo resigned, the position of minister of agriculture was then held by the Head of the National Food Agency Arief Prasetyo Adi as the executor of the task (Plt).
When asked whether the Democrats would join the cabinet, Jokowi only nodded his head without giving a statement while leaving reporters.
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