The Dangers Have Not Been Examined But The City Government Asks To Stay Away From Gas Semburan Due To Drilling Wells In Holtekamp Jayapura
Acting Mayor of Jayapura Frans Pekey while inspecting the location of the gas burst in Holtekamp, Monday (23/10/2023) (ANTARA/HO-Humas Jayapura City Government)


PAPUA - Jayapura City Government (Pemkot) asked residents not to approach the gas burst area in Bugis Village, Holtekamp, Muara Tami District. The gas burst was caused by drilling salt water wells for milkfish ponds.

"Although there has been no study from related parties regarding the chemical of gas wells, this is quite dangerous, for that we ask residents not to approach this location," said Jayapura Mayor Frans Pekey when directly inspecting the location, Monday, October 23, as reported by Antara.

According to Pekey, currently his party is still waiting for the results of a study study study from the Geological Study Program of the Faculty of Tehnik, Cenderawasih University (Uncen) to take short-term steps and long-term solutions.

"For long-term solutions, we will facilitate comprehensive study and study activities in the area in 2024 to ensure the gas content at a depth of how many meters," he said.

He explained that this was very important because the residents who carried out activities in the area were milkfish pond farmers who were looking for salt water sources.

One of the residents of Buton Village, Holtekamp Muhammad Aris, said that when his party drilled a well for a milkfish pond with a depth of 28 meters of water that came out, it smelled of gas, so it was reported to the Muara Tami Police.

"So we are looking for a solution to get salt water and we have drilled at several points but this time we think it is dangerous," he said.

Gas bursts in Bugis Village, Holtekamp occurred on Thursday, October 19, 2023 when pond farmers drilled into salt water wells for milkfish ponds.

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