
The Batang Regency Government (Pemkab) in Central Java ensures that the supply of clean water for residents affected by drought at a number of points is still sufficient.

Acting Regent of Batang Lani Dwi Rejeki asked affected residents not to worry about water shortages. He assessed that the emergency status of drought in his area could still be overcome.

"We have not yet raised the emergency response status because the need for clean water for residents affected by drought can still be resolved by relevant agencies, both assistance from the Regional Disaster Management Agency, the Indonesian Red Cross and PDAM," he said in Batang, Central Java, Monday, October 23, as reported by Antara.

According to him, towards the end of October 2023, his party had distributed 401,000 liters of water to 23,813 residents in five sub-districts who experienced a lack of clean water.

The five sub-districts affected by the drought in Batang are Batang, Warungasem, Bandar, Subur and Pecalungan sub-districts.

"The distribution of drought-affected areas in this area has not yet expanded. This means that it has not spread in 15 sub-districts so that we will also identify how far this drought has been felt by residents," he said.

The Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Batang Ulul Azmi Regency informed that the distribution of drought in this area has been felt by people in a number of sub-districts.

In detail, he said, Batang District has distributed 4 thousand liters of clean water for about 300 people, in Pandansari Village, Warungasem District 13 thousand liters of clean water for the needs of 1,493 people, Wonomerto Village 18 thousand liters for 1,048 people, Candi Village 59 thousand liters of water for 3,450 people.

"Then, Durenombo Village, SUbah District 29 thousand liters for the needs of 2,464 people, and Pretek Village, Pecalungan District 278 thousand liters for the needs of 15,058 people," he said.

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