
The origin of the explosion on Jalan Tangkuban Boat number 02, RT 07, Guntur Village, Setiabudi, South Jakarta continues to be a concern.

Residents said the bomb came from the house next to it, which was where the explosion occurred on May 10, 2001.

Guntur Village Deliberation Institute, Sutrisno (72) said the buildings that collapsed on Wednesday, October 18 were previously vacant land.

Meanwhile, the other side is the Iskandar Muda Foundation or the Aceh Student Dormitory. It is known, there was a bomb explosion that killed two people.

He suspects that there are still remnants of the bomb explosion that occurred on May 10, 2001. Because the remains of the bomb were stored in the house numbered 02.

It is known that a bomb exploded on Tangkuban Street Boat number 01, RT 07, Guntur, Setiabudi, South Jakarta on May 10, 2001. Two people died in the contents.

"So this is the building that now has explosives, it used to be empty land, so maybe the students jumped next door. Maybe that's it. That's why there were explosives (bombs)," said Sutrisno, Sunday, October 22.

He added that the head of RW 06 Jimmy said that the Aceh Dormitory, which is called the Iskandar Muda Foundation, is only separated by a 1-2 meter high wall so that it is easy for the students to jump.

"Don't connect, separate. Dormitory has the Aceh Regional Government (Regional Government). Next to him is private (which was the explosion on October 18 yesterday). The fractures were just not too high. Around 2 meters," he said.

He confirmed that decades ago there had been a bomb explosion that killed two people.

"Yes, the residents' dormitories are also young people. So it happened before, it exploded too in the past," he said.

Meanwhile, the South Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Ade Ary admitted that he did not know the information further. However, he believes he will investigate his relationship with the 2001 incident.

"We'll check it later, we haven't heard the information yet," Ade told reporters, Wednesday, October 18.

Based on information, a bomb exploded at the Iskandar Muda Welfare Foundation Dormitory, Jalan Tangkuban Boat Number 1, Guntur Village, Setiabudi, South Jakarta, Thursday, May 10, 2001, at 15.30 WIB.

The bomb explosion killed two people and injured two others, namely Erwin Abdurrahman and Hidayatullah.

Only eight days after the incident, four people who became suspects immediately reconstructed the explosion incident. Reconstruction started from receiving a bomb package from a suspect until the bomb exploded.

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