
JAKARTA - A sweet promise came from the mouth of DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan at the DPR RI Building yesterday. Anies promised to improve the communication process with the artist Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM). In addition, Anies also promised not to commercialize TIM.

The reason Anies needed to make a promise before the members of Commission X DPR RI was due to poor communication between the Jakarta Provincial Government and artists in discussing the revitalization of the TEAM.

The artists who are members of the Taman Ismail Marzuki Artists Forum (FSPTIM) complained to the DPR that they were not involved and were invited to have a dialogue in planning the revitalization of the TEAM. Therefore, the DPR asked that the polemic be corrected.

"God willing, we will intensify communication again. Regarding the involvement of the channel, we are using a clear institution, namely the Jakarta Arts Council, so that we know, we know who to interact with," said Anies, Thursday, February 27.

Anies guaranteed that JakPro as the BUMD working on the revitalization of the TIM will not commercialize the TIM area. This is because the management of art content that is held in the TIM area is held by the DKJ curating agency.

According to Anies, even though it is a company, JakPro as a BUMD has the task of building facilities for the benefit of the region, not solely for profit.

Another reason for the appointment of JakPro as the manager of the facilities in the TIM is because a company works more flexibly than the regional work unit (SKPD), namely the Culture Office when collaborating with the private sector.

"Jakpro manages its infrastructure because it does not have the competence and track record in the arts. For artistic activities, the content is in the DKJ and the Culture Service," said Anies.

Anti-mouth-sweet Anies

All of Anies' promises he made brought fresh air. However, it turned out that FSPTIM was not lulled by Anies's statement that he would not commercialize the TIM area.

FSPTIM spokesperson, Noorca Massardi, considers that there will still be profit projections to be extracted from JakPro. Because, in the Regulation of the Governor of DKI Number 63 of 2019, Anies assigned JakPro to manage the infrastructure and facilities in the TIM after being revitalized.

It is certain, according to him, that JakPro requires a large amount of money to replace the regional capital participation (PMD) that has been spent from the revitalization development to the maintenance costs of facilities in TIM to be returned to the regional treasury.

It is feared that JakPro will take advantage by increasing the rental price of the Graha Bhakti Budaya (GBB) performance building after it is revitalized and the cost of lodging the Wisma Seni that will be made.

"The promise is just talk. All words cannot be accounted for. In fact, Governor Regulation 63 clearly states that JakPro has managed a commercial area for 28 years. It is impossible for JakPro not to make a profit," Noorca told VOI.

"Hence, the Pergub must first be revoked. We feel that the TIM cannot be managed by a business entity. Another institution that is a non-profit public service agency must be formed to manage the TIM facilities," he continued.

TEAM revitalization plan (Special)

Regarding the promise of improving the process of revitalization planning dialogue between Anies and the Jakarta Arts Council (DKJ), according to Noorca, is still an empty message. In fact, Anies did not include DKJ representatives in the Decree of the Governor of DKI Jakarta No.1018 of 2018 regarding the revitalization team.

Initially, DKJ had sent names as representatives of the revitalization discussion. There were three names of DKJ representatives sent. However, the name that was sent by DKJ to the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta was actually crossed out. Thus, the DKJ was eliminated in the area of the revitalization discussion. They only receive planning information that has been prepared.

So, in the Kepgub, only five artists were listed as representatives in the revitalization of the TIM. They are Arie Batubara, Arsono, Hidayat LDP, Yusuf Susilo Hartono, and Mohammad Chozin.

Therefore, if Anies wants to improve the communication process by involving the DKJ, Noorca asks Anies to patent his promise by promulgating a decision or revising the Governor's Decree 1018 of 2018.

"We ask that the statement be stated in a written statement in black and white, whether it is in the form of a regulation or a decision, so that it can be accounted for," said Noorca.

For information, at first this rejection was loudly voiced by several art activists in a discussion entitled "Where Do PKJ-TIM Will Be Taken?" which was held at the HB Jassin Documentation Center, TIM, on Wednesday, November 20, 2019. In the discussion, a number of artists rejected commercialization in the revitalization of the TIM.

Currently, the revitalization of the TIM is still ongoing. The TIM revitalization progress has entered into phase 2 construction, namely the revitalization of the Graha Bakti Budaya (GBB) building, which has begun demolition. The GBB building will be rebuilt with a modern design.

Meanwhile, the construction of phase 1 which started earlier is still ongoing. The construction includes repairing the parking building, Amir Hamzah Mosque, library building, HB Literary Documentation Center. Jassin, public hallways, art galleries, dining areas, retail stalls and art guesthouses.

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